Sentences with phrase «ad lib feeding»

Avoid the tendency of ad lib feeding.
If you are serious about training, then you must withhold all treats during the day, put the dog on a strict feeding schedule (no ad lib feeding) and adhere to this during the training period.
Ad lib feeding using a complete and balanced growth diet containing 10 % — 20 % fat (dry - matter basis) that has passed an approved AAFCO feeding trial is recommended to maintain lactation and to permit optimal body weight and condition to be required by weaning.
Ad lib feeding during the weekend did not interfere with the protective effects of time - restricted feeding (34)
Before babies can be discharged from the NICU, they should be eating from a bottle well enough that they are gaining weight steadily on an ad lib feeding schedule (meaning feeding them when they're hungry or on demand, as opposed to by the clock), although this is not absolute.
Once premature babies are strong enough to take all of their feedings by bottle, they will most likely be placed on an ad lib feeding schedule.

Not exact matches

It's important to learn the signs of hunger and fullness in infants when feeding ad lib.
The terms «on cue» or «ad lib» are a better way to describe feeding according to your baby's needs than «demand» feeding.
8 - 10 wk old female and male mice are provided ad lib access to ethanol - or pair - fed diets up to 5 % ethanol for 10 days.
This also leads to an increase of excess calories to the felines as many cats are fed dry food ad lib (free choice feeding, i.e., keeping the food bowl filled at all times).
Most inactive, neutered adult cats can be fed a reduced fat diet (9 % dry - matter basis) ad lib, but increasing the insoluble fiber content may be necessary in some animals to satisfy hunger.
When growing large - breed puppies were fed 50 % — 70 % of their littermate's ad lib intake, adult height, length, and bone or muscle mass were not stunted; only total body fat was affected.
If a bitch loses significant body condition during lactation, the fat content of the diet should be increased to 20 % — 30 % fat (dry - matter basis), and she should be fed ad lib.
One study monitored growth (from 4 weeks to 6 months) in two groups of great Danes, one fed ad lib and the other with a restricted ration (70 - 80 % of the ration); the latter group was itself divided into two, one group being composed of puppies bearing weight loads (15 % of their body weight) by means of a belt filled with sand, and the other without weights.
Various groups have looked at the influence of excess energy on skeletal development and found that great Danes fed ad lib had a higher frequency of osteoarticular disorders compared to the same breed fed 66 % of the ad lib ration (3,4).
After 6 months, the puppies fed ad lib all had skeletal problems, as did the load - bearing puppies (5), thus demonstrating the adverse effect of excess weight during growth.
A separate study that followed Labradors from 8 weeks to 2 years of age found that dogs fed 75 % of the ad lib intake of matched littermates resulted in a significant decrease in the radiological and clinical signs of hip dysplasia (6).
If the bitch loses significant body condition during lactation, the fat content of the diet should be increased to 20 - 30 % fat (dry - matter basis) and the bitch should be fed ad lib.
Your pet's bowl should not be refilled until everything in the daily portion has been eaten and it should always be fed alongside ad lib hay, fresh water and a handful of suitable fresh leafy greens every day.
Steps to prevent eclampsia in the bitch include feeding a high - quality, nutritionally balanced, and appropriate diet during pregnancy and lactation, providing food and water ad lib during lactation, and supplemental feeding of the puppies with milk replacer early in lactation and with solid food after 3 - 4 wk of age.
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