Sentences with phrase «aerobill true fitted»

Mens Kentucky Nike Aerobill True Fitted Hat Mens Hat Royal Blue COPY Nike True silhouette with high crown and flat bill.
This true fitted cap is constructed in lightweight Dri - FIT material and with Nike Aerobill technology, which reduces weight and pressure against the forehead for comfort.
For a long time, I've talked after conferences with other people about the possibiity of doing something new, something different, something that would be a true fit for those of us who want to see the world become a better place and don't see a role for multinational earth - polluting, body - polluting, profit - above - all corporations in that change.
My daughter has always been in a true fit) it is DANGEROUS to use any add - ons that the car seat manufacter does not sell for that seat.
My True Fit goes from 5 - 65 lbs.
Again, all carseats have different height limits but I recommend the Sunshine Kids Radian or The First Years True Fit.
Price — Compared to many other convertible car seats, even those who can eventually be converted into a booster seat, the price of the True Fit Premier is higher.
Overall, the The First Years True Fit Premier is an excellent convertible car seat, which offers a high level of safety, comfort for the child, and durability due to the quality of the materials.
After a ton of research, I stumbled upon the The First Years True Fit Premier.
We were moving my 3 year old daughter up from a First Years True Fit because the incline in the old seat was pretty drastic and was difficult for her to get into on her own.
If not, The First Years True Fit is a GREAT seat!
As for fit, True fit and measurements said a 6, but it was smaller in bust than indicated, and I had to return for an 8 (I'm usually a M) and was happy that it fits around my hips, too.
True Fit recommended a size large, however I ordered a medium and it fits perfect.
If you find it impossible to find a Lindybop dress that works for you without alterations, as I repeatedly find, PUG will be a refreshing true fit for you.
Years of finessing the patterns means you can always count on the tried - and - true fit I look for.
Click on an item and select «Find Your True Fit» right above the sizes options.
While glancing at the shorts, rompers, and jumpsuits I am seeing quite a good selection that I believe other stores or online boutiques don't offer and that is the passage to customizing and sizing clothing to a true fit.
The 38s is true fitting through the shoulders and torso.
but also your sweater dress post with the high knee boots... it helps me know if i want to buy it by seeing all angles to know the true fit and just be able to see all the details.
I first ordered this dress in a size small according to my True Fit sizing.
I ordered these in the size recommended by True Fit, Medium.
My true fit size was 8 and the fit is great.
I initially ordered this top in L as recommended by the «find your true fit» but it was too big.
This asymmetrical off - the - shoulder button down features a cool collar bone - baring design, red and white stripes (plus one for nautical), and a slightly oversized design (order a size down for a truer fit).
In reality, Lipper is probably a truer fit.
If what she said about Cliff Mass is true it fits the pattern to a tee.
Applying to positions posted on a website, for example, is immensely important, but a truly effective job search also involves outreach to alumni, colleagues, and contacts within an organization to learn more about a given industry or employer, so that we may better understand how our unique set of skills can be seen as a true fit.
Your career coach will assist you in identifying and assessing your qualifications, job preferences, likes and dislikes, and things that really matter to you to help you find your true fit.

Not exact matches

Recently, many brands have shown their true colors (literally) when it comes to their lack of fitting color choices, specifically for those with darker skin tones.
Many startups claim to be «cool,» but simply saying so doesn't make it true, nor does that reputation make an appropriate fit all young companies.
Overall, most Amazon reviewers love the fit of the Bondi 5, finding it true to size.
If his hypothesis holds true, it seems only fitting that we remain ever critical of our language, of its ability to bias our beliefs.
And while it's true that one size never fits all, it doesn't follow that there's an infinite demand for things in every possible size, shape or variety.
So while there is no one - size - fits - all model for true entrepreneurs, in my experience, there are some things they seem to have in common.
This is where the interviewer must assess the candidate's true interest in the position by the candidate's show of passion and excitement, cultural fit, technical skills and motivation — and whether there are any red flags in the candidate's background.
One gent speaks for many when he praises it as being an «excellent jacket [that's] very stylish and true to fit
Yet others are true artists who can make perfect individual elements that fit into the whole.
And it's true that a Bitcoin bubble doesn't fit all of these signs.
Our tried and true method can shape every body and fit any schedule.
Higher profitability coupled with lower market expectations is the cornerstone of value investing, and Royce Special Equity Fund allocates capital to stocks that fit the true «value» description.
If he were a true scientist, he would search for evidence and base hypotheses on this evidence, instead of drawing a conclusion and hammering evidence to fit his views.
Whether this be true or not, it is more than fitting a tale for this rock band's classic rootsy caricature sound.
ID, in its true form, makes no such presumption - although I admit many religious people maul it to fit their beliefs.
You probably believe your own statement simply because it fits in with your beliefs, accepting it as true as a matter of faith alone without proof.
I also left out the people, such as yourself, who find the bible so completely true, they enter in on bias and start extrapolating and inferring to make sure the bible fits in with reality even when theres no trace of that inference.
There is very little in true science (not science bent to fit the bible fairy tales) to support creationism, christianity and the bible.
you sir are practicing a religion one that means so much to you that you use it as your online name also please show me where I call you a fool or is telling someone not to make a fool of themself the same as calling them a fool which would mean you are very religious as far as Colin he said nothing that related to the debate I was in with you... we are talking about Atheism as a religious view not debating the existence of God now look over the definitions I have shown you and please explain how Atheism does not fit into the said definitions And you claim that evolution is true so the burden of proof falls in your lap as it is the base of your religion.
Ford speaks, it is true, of a divine «temporal freedom,» but this freedom wholly derives from the divine nontemporal decision and thus amounts only to the temporal emergence of a nontemporal freedom: «God's temporal freedom is exercised in his integrative and propositional activity, where he fits to each actual world that gradation of pure possibilities best suited to contribute to the maximum intensity and harmony of his consequent physical experience» (IPQ 13:376; my emphasis).
Again you're changing numbers to fit your delusional mind... the actual number of Muslims is listed below (over 2 billion)... to say it includes the extremists who in your OPINION are not true Muslims is to use the No True Scotsman fallacy - so you have once again shown ignorance and a lack of care for facts... time for you to grow up and accept fatrue Muslims is to use the No True Scotsman fallacy - so you have once again shown ignorance and a lack of care for facts... time for you to grow up and accept faTrue Scotsman fallacy - so you have once again shown ignorance and a lack of care for facts... time for you to grow up and accept facts.
For anti-Catholic historians the account simply had to be true, because it fit their own perception of Catholicism as intellectually and morally inferior.
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