Sentences with phrase «affirming words such»

Affirming words such as «Touch softly», can help children react positively to correction instead of phrases like «Stop hitting!».

Not exact matches

AFFIRM HEREBY that such cooperation must be based on a «Common Word,» requiring that such cooperation must go beyond mutual tolerance and respect, to providing full protection for the rights and liberties to all religious groups in a civilized manner that eschews coercion, bias, and arrogance.
Keep up with many scientific fundamentalisms and make such the seeded base from which to affirm Christ Jesus reported «spoken» Word (s).
Such a proposal in no way invalidates the search for doctrinal forms that are consistent with the substance of the biblical revelation; it merely means that their discovery will constitute but a halfway house rather than the journey's destination itself These doctrinal forms will then have to be adapted to and translated in terms of the assumptions and norms of the American situation in such a way that the Word of God is preserved in its integrity but affirmed in its contemporaneSuch a proposal in no way invalidates the search for doctrinal forms that are consistent with the substance of the biblical revelation; it merely means that their discovery will constitute but a halfway house rather than the journey's destination itself These doctrinal forms will then have to be adapted to and translated in terms of the assumptions and norms of the American situation in such a way that the Word of God is preserved in its integrity but affirmed in its contemporanesuch a way that the Word of God is preserved in its integrity but affirmed in its contemporaneity.
On such a basis, perhaps I can affirm — however obliquely — the faith that says God's word works in the world to shape a new creation.
So often I have seen the dawn come and the light flood over the land and everything turn radiant at once, that word «good» so profoundly affirmed in my soul that I am amazed I should be allowed to witness such a thing.»
The Word of «chosenness» is subsequently affirmed as this Old Testament body of material dealing with the faith and life of the people of Israel is shaped in such a way as to affirm totally the hope and expectation of Israel's fulfillment of that Word.
Finally, I made sure they honored and celebrated each other by getting them involved in such activities as cheering at brother's ball game or attending plays the other was in, helping to decorate for the other's birthday party, and encouraging them to speak kind, affirming words to one another, setting a standard of building up rather than tearing down, and asking that they speak their appreciations to each other at our family meetings.
A favorite way to remind myself to to say kind / affirming things to myself, is to look at the pictures of water crystals collected by Masaru Emoto during his experiments on exposing water to positive and negative words and music; such a powerful visual reminder.
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