Sentences with phrase «after poring over»

The company that put it together is called Perspectives, and after poring over their entire site, I am such a big fan of their work!
After poring over your screen and taking note of any defective pixels you find, check it against your manufacturer's guidelines.
The team are also looking at making adjustments to balance after poring over a month's worth of gameplay metrics.
After poring over IGN's review from my parent's computer, I remember running out the door to snatch up the system just to soak up the dark, Lovecraftian madness.
After poring over contracts, old interviews, and character evaluations, here is a guide to which superheroes you might want to start mourning
After poring over hundreds of entries our editors selected four finalists who worked with the MC team, LOFT and Rimmel to put on a fashion show at their schools.
After poring over innumerable blog posts, examining countless infographics on Pinterest, and flipping through tons of waiting room magazines, you can talk about style all day long with your best friends over coffee.
After poring over the medical records of more than 87,000 people born between 1964 and 1976 — 658 of whom had been diagnosed with schizophrenia or closely related psychoses — Malaspina reached a startling conclusion.
After poring over the literature on dusty disks, Melis and his collaborators identified two processes that can explain what they observed.
After poring over the literature, Mendum and Njenga reported that little previous empirical research into wood burning in sub-Saharan Africa has been conducted, so policy makers have scant data to guide them in formulating best practices for sustainable biomass production and consumption.

Not exact matches

After explaining that she had picked up the precepts of medieval palmistry decades ago, from an art - historian neighbor whose specialty was Hieronymus Bosch, Atwood spent several disconcerting minutes poring over my hands.
According to the announcement about the new data, major discoveries are expected after scientists have taken time to pore over the data.
The U.S. dollar traded in a tight range Thursday, as investors pored over a mixed bag of the latest economic data, a day after the Federal Reserve's...
After carefully studying what actually does work in the market, including poring over countless academic studies and backtesting our theories, Jimmy and his team came up with the MP Score.
An investigation that began after the crisis over sexual abuse of children in the Boston Archdiocese fully emerged in 2002 has pored over records dating back more than 60 years, with subsequent decisions on who to name based on the nature of the accusations and other factors, according to O'Malley.
After a quick lunch in the school cafeteria, I would head over to the library for thirty minutes before class to pore over the school library's set of Great Books of the Western World.
It was a quite nerve - wracking, since I had to do everything by hand (mixing, kneading, shaping it round etc.) I pored over your bread baking tips and this recipe, but somehow still managed to make a snafu (mistakenly thought it was 3 cups whole wheat instead of 1/2; only realized the error after adding the 2nd cup of whole wheat to my rye... tried to frantically remove 1.5 cups of the wheat from the rye, which was clearly not going to happen.
After the government declassified some files associated with the assassination investigation in 1992, Thomas and McNair planned a trip to Washington to pore over the material.
They pored over data transmitted by Kepler before and after its telescopic «eye» was opened.
After a couple of minutes, place a hot washcloth over your face to open pores and allow the oil to pull out impurities.
I stumbled over many unorthodox health «secrets» after more than 26 years of poring through all the traditional health books of advice.
After my little discovery about the pore clogging nature of coconut oil and olive oil, I started to pay closer attention to what I slathered all over my face.
After cleansing, place a Juice Beauty hot wash cloth over your entire facial area to allow steam to open your pores, then apply the BLEMISH CLEARING ™ Serum.
Used to pore over country dec zines hour after hour.
Both contains BHAs to help gently exfoliate over clogged pores, control shine and avoid the appearance of blemishes, but the former comes in a toner shape which I use after cleansing my skin, and the latter is a lovely and light serum to be applied before your usual moisturizer which truely makes wonders in keeping acne at bay.
My pores completely vanish after using the cream foundation and using this powder over it.
After every fashion season, we pore over a crazy amount of images trying to predict the next big thing.
After every fashion season we, and all other editors working anywhere, pore over a crazy amount of runway images, trying to slice and dice the looks into neat little categories called trends.
Like so many films consumed with the minutiae of daily journalism, «Spotlight» is a magnificently nerdy process movie — a tour de force of filing - cabinet cinema, made with absolute assurance that we'll be held by scene after scene of people talking, taking notes, following tips, hounding sources, poring over records, filling out spreadsheets, and having one door after another slammed in their faces.
After all, that kind of fanbase is meant to grow organically as movie buffs pore over key scenes...
With technological advances, gone are the days of poring over a three - inch thick manual and filling out Scantron bubbles on sample test sheet after sample test sheet.
After Christie announced his budget plans, panicked city leaders got together, pored over their books and collective - bargaining agreements, and realized the unthinkable was about to happen.
Poring over school records, he noted a pattern of significantly higher scores on tests of academic achievement and cognitive ability, including IQ tests, up to four years after the program's end.
Even after spending a half hour on Chevy's «build and price» configurator and poring over the Monroney, I'm not sure.
After you've spent hours poring over the exterior options, it's time to start on the interior.
There are plenty of new pics after the jump and if you want to pore over all the marketing guff you can download Mazda's press doc below:
In my case, after spending hours poring over photos of bookstores (part of my novel is set in a boutique bookstore) I found a few good photos to show my designer.
After spending a year writing the book, poring over every sentence, pondering the implication of every turn of phrase, I was amazed to discover a new rhythm and new levels of meaning in my own work.
Foundling, the first in the planned Monster Blood Tattoo trilogy, sucked our then twelve - year - old son in on the first page and spat him back out a couple of days later only after he'd read the book cover to cover (including the glossary and the 100 page appendix which particularly fascinated him) and pored over the maps and illustrations In the intervening period we did see him from time to time - for meals and breathless plot updates - but in essence, although his body was with us, his mind was somewhere in the Half - Continent!
By the time the «publish» button is actually pressed, there is nothing more appealing than the thought of kicking back and savoring the sweet victory of becoming a published author and letting life get back to some semblance of normalcy after months (or perhaps even years) poring over the keyboard in an effort to create the Next Great Bestseller («NGB»).
Both are built with e-ink screens, which makes them easy on the eyes after hours of poring over documents, and they won't glare up in direct sunlight.
It is a constant source of amazement to me how many people spend hours poring over the latest way to save 20 cents on a bottle of ketchup, or unplugging the TV after they use it every time, only to agree to mortgage payments without reading the fine print or negotiating; therefore, even though I have 12 months before the current term on my mortgage is up, I am already exploring a few different options I will have going forward.
That makes sense to me: After just a few hours on the course with him, I feel as if I've attended a seminar more valuable than all of the design books I've pored over.
That amazing shiver of «Can't wait» brushed over each pore, along with a whispered wondering as to whether I might have to pick up the system after all.
After all, though us gamers watch embedded livestreams and pore over gaming news, the massive dormant Wii - owning casual audience don't.
A quartet of (actually fairly uninteresting) Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes screenshots have escaped TGS, and you can pore over them in great detail after the jump.
After playing through the demo hype levels were at a maximum as fans pored over every minute detail, agonising over the true purpose of that damn mannequin finger.
While recuperating in hospital after being hit by a car, the young artist — already a keen draughtsman — pored over the diagrams on its pages.
«As someone who enjoys improv quilting, I found myself poring over Sherri's book day after day, quickly jotting down notes and techniques to try with my next project.»
After depositing my vintage Gucci near a Richard Long ovoid pebble installation, I wandered among bewildered VIPs poring over their checklists, trying to navigate the swanky pad with a list of rooms but no floor plan.
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