Sentences with phrase «against humanity actually»

Not exact matches

While many Christians in the past have acted directly contrary to those very clear biblical teachings (i.e., the Crusades, etc.), others have actually appealed to those very teachings in fighting the tide of a culture that would demean humanity (i.e., MLK, William Wilberforce, the Confessing Church's stand against the Nazis, etc.).
So actually democracy fails when its representatives implement policies that benefit humanity at the cost of its citizens against their will.
Cards Against Humanity is the best — I actually just ordered it for us today
«Days Of Future Past» features an ambitious narrative where the X-Men of a dystopian near future travel back into the 1970s to convince the younger version of themselves to cut off a threat that destroys humanity some forty years later (actually, it's just Wolverine who goes into the past, at least in the beginning, facing off against the cast of «X-Men: First Class»).
This one has a «Cards Against Humanity» feel to it, but I think I actually prefer Quiplash because answers aren't limited to the cards you currently have in your hand.
An elemental question begs to be corroborated in more than one way for sheer fairness: When the main pushers of the idea that the «reposition global warming» phrase insinuate it is proof of an industry - led disinformation effort employing crooked skeptic climate scientists — Naomi Oreskes saying it indicates a plot to supply «alternative facts,» Gelbspan saying it is a crime against humanity, and Al Gore implying it is a cynical oil company effort — are they truly oblivious to the necessity of corroborating whether or not that phrase and the memo subset it came from actually had widespread corrupting influence, or did they push this «evidence» with malice knowing it was worthless?
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