Sentences with phrase «agape love styles»

To counter this, Neto (2007) researched the love concepts within a Chinese context and found that Chinese men reported higher endorsement of the Storge and Agape love styles whereas Chinese women tend to endorse a Pragmatic love style.

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In terms of the beliefs about love, based on John Alan Lee's six attitudinal styles of love — Eros (erotic), Pragma (rational), Ludus (game play), Storge (friendship), Mania (passionate) and Agape (altruistic)(De Andrade & Garcia, 2014, Hendrick & Hendrick, 1986)-- studies in various cultures indicate that men tend to have a predominant outgoing and adventurous style in their romantic interactions (ludus), while women possess more rational (pragma), friendly and companion (storge), intense and uncontrolled (mania) profiles than men (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1995, 2000; Sprecher & Toro - Morn, 2002).
Indeed, it independently predicted three of the six love styles, Pragma, Storge and Agape.
Research has shown that attachment style effects love attitudes, for example, Fricker and Moore (2002) conducted a study with dating couples and revealed that secure romantic attachment correlated positively with the Agape and Eros love styles whereas the anxious attachment was positively related to the Manic love style.
Agape has been described by as the idealised love style which many seek to attain but often evades us (Lee, 1973).
Lin and Huddleston - Casas (2005) conducted a study focusing on Agape love attitudes and found males scored more highly than females on this selfless, altruistic love style.
Males (14.35) endorsed this love style more than females (11.54) and the longer the participants had been in a relationship the more they saw it as Agape in nature.
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