Sentences with phrase «agents and editors sometimes»

Part of the problem may be the way agents and editors sometimes talk about the slush pile — that never - ending supply of query letters and unsolicited manuscripts from aspiring authors — as if they were addressing a patch of stubborn basement mold.
Online writing classes: Literary agents and editors sometimes teach writing groups on the Internet.

Not exact matches

Writers» conferences are wonderful — some say vital — opportunities to connect with fellow authors, agents, and sometimes even editors and representatives from publishing houses around the world.
Sometimes it's enough to make you pull out your hair, especially when you find an agent (or publisher or editor) who represents what you write and is looking to build his or her list.
However, agents and editors who seek authors with a platform do sometimes say quite pointedly, and even arbitrarily, «Well, we need to see at least 10,000 Facebook likes and 100,000 blog visits every month, or it's not worth us considering.»
Sometimes authors worry that agents and editors won't like their manuscripts.
From misguided agents to cruel or absent editors to the callous slashing of midlist authors and backlist titles, the longer a writer is in the publishing world, the more chance of encountering at least one of these major (and sometimes career - freezing) hurdles.
When I started writing A Promise of Fire over five years ago now, there was a good chance this manuscript would end up like my other works of fiction: perhaps unfinished, never seen by anyone but me, definitely never presented to agents or editors and using up space on my hard drive in a folder with a misleading enough name that hopefully no one would ever open it and stumble upon my first (and sometimes hilarious) attempts at writing a novel.
Most authors will thank their editors (sometimes tricky people to pin down online) and agents.
Books that have gone through the traditional publishing process with an agent, editor, and publishing house, are rarely listed as free, but are sometimes offered at a discounted price for a limited time.
If you stick an agent in the middle of that, an agent will take months, sometimes years to respond, and then if you're lucky, the agent will send the book to editors who will take months, sometimes years to respond.
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