Sentences with phrase «ajna chakra»

In some animals the parietal eye, which helps regulate circadian rhythms, is also located at the ajna chakra, tying Wilke's image of the artist to the productive and fertile Changing Woman, whose regenerative cycle from young to old is mirrored in a circadian analogy of transition.
She creates a stylized version of the Ajna chakra, known also as the third eye.
The third eye chakra is also called the Ajna chakra, which translates to «command» or «perceiving,» hinting at this chakra's role in how we perceive the world.
Exhaling, let the breath seem to flow from the ajna chakra, back to the base of your nostrils.
The ajna chakra resides over the eyes and visual perception.
And my ajna chakra, my third eye chakra could see that, that this car is not safe, this man is not in a safe condition to drive, and you need to get out of there, and thank the lord I did.
The last one on the physical body right now I'm going to talk about is the ajna chakra, the third eye chakra.
And then, gently rest your attention at the center of your forehead — the physical entry - point into the Ajna Chakra.
There are 6 Chakras or plexuses starting from Muladhara Chakra, Swadhistana Chakra, Manipuraka Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddhi Chakra and Ajna Chakra which have to be developed and opened up.

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The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is located in between the two eyes on the forehead.
The intuition chakra, known in Sanskrit as ajna, is located in the forehead.
Known also by its Sanskrit name — Ajna — or as the «brow chakra» or «third - eye chakra,» the 6th chakra is a field of subtle energy accessed via the center of the forehead, between the inner edges of the eyebrows.
Then you have your ajna, which is your third eye chakra, which is right in between your two eyebrows.
She also introduces some of Carl Jung's theory about the Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras and its relevance to your physical and psycho - emotional health, and spiritual growth.
The sixth & seventh Chakras, Ajna & Sahasrara are the destination of the spiritual journey.
Ajna is the chakra of imagination, inner voice, and clairvoyance.
I have been following the classic rainbow color order of the chakras, which places Ajna in the color of indigo.
The original Sanskrit name for this Chakra is the Ajna which very fittingly translates directly to «perceiving».
The 6th chakra is called Ajna.
Ajna means «command center» and it is this chakra that is related to our intuition, awareness, perceptiveness and clarity of sight.
Eventually, all three meet at the ajna (command) chakra, midway between the eyebrows.
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