Sentences with phrase «although average reading»

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Although the oil market has been improving, OPEC still has work to do to bring global oil inventories back to their five - year average — the metric that OPEC has vowed to achieve Continue Reading
Although the latest readings are suggestive of some easing, largely driven by a sharp correction in medium - density approvals, total private - sector approvals remained at a high level in the December quarter as a whole and exceed the average of the past two years (Graph 29).
Major surveys of employment intentions are above their long - term averages, although the latest readings from the NAB and ACCI - Westpac surveys have eased.
Although strong tonic for the local fans, the flurries of touchdowns, the long runs and the passing averages that read like election returns are usually made against opposition as fierce as paper tigers.
Although many women have more than 18 products on average in their makeup bags, we would say that investing in... Read More
Average scores for K - 12 students in the U.S. never top those lists in either science or math (although they do in both reading and civics).
Although pulse rates and average blood pressure rose in both groups between baseline and the stress phase, in the recovery phase, individuals who had napped had considerably lower average blood pressure readings compared to individuals who hadn't slept.
Although average scores are up for 9 - year - olds and 13 - year - olds in reading and mathematics between 2004 and 2008, the rate of improvement is actually smaller than it was...
Approximately 95 percent of CSGF's member schools enable students to outperform comparable district schools in both math and reading; nearly 70 percent of schools enable their students to outperform state averages in both math and reading, although they serve much higher than average percentages of low - income and minority students.
Meanwhile, average proficiency rates in a matched set of comparison schools increased by lesser amounts, 9 percentage points in reading and 13 percentage points in math (although the Edison advantage is statistically significant only in math).»
On average, teachers who are effective in math are also effective in reading, although some teachers are better at one than the other.
Although more pupils were now reaching expected levels in reading, writing and maths by the end of year six, inspectors said results remained below average in four of the trust's primary schools.
Within the data, a breakdown of school cohort size revealed that pupils scored nearly the exact same average scaled score regardless of cohort size — although there was a slight benefit of smaller cohorts in reading.
All the schools had at least average overall performance on their states» math and reading assessments (although they were not among the highest - performing schools in their states).
Chatterbooks had an estimated average effect of slowing progress in reading by 2 months, although we could not be confident this negative effect hadn't arisen by chance.
Officially, the coupe claims a combined average of 5.8 L / 100 km, although our trip computer read - out came in at 8.5 L / 100 km in wet conditions that encouraged conservative driving.
Although that probably doesn't reflect an average day at work for most of us in 2014, Dell's Smart Desk concept is designed to enhance professional... Read more
In addition, the incidence of magazine reading among tablet owners closely mirrors that of the general population although the volume of reading is above average, 4.1 titles per month vs. 3.7, an 11 % increase.
Although Canadians overall prefer reading print books, Atlantic Canadians are the most likely to purchase print books (84 % compared to 79 % All Canada average) and they are the least likely to purchase ebooks.
«Although financial assets made a relatively speedy recovery in the aftermath of the crisis, achieving annual growth averaging 8.1 per cent per annum over the past five years, the financial situation of Canadian households is anything but sustainable,» the report reads.
Although each of these companies pays a dividend, due to the cyclical nature of this industry we encourage the reader to carefully review the dividend history Read more about 7 Large - cap Industrials with High Growth Rates, Low Valuations and Above - average Dividend Yields -LSB-...]
Many of the experts (like Dr Hansen) dealing with global warming rightfully only look at what they think is going on and since the concentration of carbon dioxide (although I still have no idea how they can get an average concentration reading instantly all over the world) has increased, the culprit of global warming is this increase of carbon dioxide.
I read on our provincial snow pack data that Vancouver Island is very low, although other parts of the province are above average.
Then from 1995 to 2002, the ice area actually increased (although you would never read that in the popular press), it decreased again in 2004, and in 2005 it increased again â $ ¦ and at the end of 2005, the amount of Arctic ice was back to the 1979 - 2000 average ice coverage.
And although this deviation is smaller than multi-annual variation, the average decline in precipitation does lead to... Continue reading
By the way, although I have not read the paper, «variance corrected means» probably refers to some technique to obtain more accurate estimates of the means, the averages in the series, using information on the variance of the error of estimating these averages which would have varied from year to year.
On average, those in this profession can expect to earn between $ 33,505 and $ 66,898 annually, although this amount often increases with -LSB-...] Continue Reading
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