Sentences with phrase «although numerous books»

Although numerous books have been written about childhood incest and trauma, until now none of them has combined the best of what scientific psychology has to offer with detailed representation and narrative about the ways that childhood sexual trauma within the family context affects the lives of adult survivors.
Although numerous books cover the history of classical art, and many reference books cover art and architecture, this is one of very few reference titles treating just the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome.

Not exact matches

Although you can get plenty of potty training tips from reading numerous potty training books, you need to remember that each child is different and what works for one may not work for another.
I do plan on child - led weaning and although this book does not promote «extended nursing» like I feel it should, it does recognize the numerous benefits to nursing a baby over 12 months old.
I have read numerous books on the gut, intestinal permeability (always a factor in those with autoimmune conditions), candida and IBS, but this book (although focused on the thyroid in the first few chapters) is actually about autoimmunity.
Although it's been revised and edited numerous times, it could probably use another polish, given what I've learned about story since I last revisited it — not ideal conditions for a written to market book.
Although total self - published ebook sales did go up, it's possible that's less because self - published books are gaining popularity, or whether they're just becoming more numerous.
Although your book may be great, every literary agent and publisher receives numerous proposals and manuscripts each year.
Quick aside — all of the books that are in my Fictionwise bookshelf having been downloaded numerous times and although I have to go through the pain of unlocking them each and every time, I'm able to download them to any iPhone or iPod touch I'm using without a problem.
This valuable golden book floats away, and Laylee would really like it back but the book's page's (known in the game as pagies) are alive and have spread themselves among numerous worlds in a bid to stay free of Capital B, although somehow what they have actually managed to do is get themselves trapped in cages.
Although my initial interest was the «dislocation of this material», I realized while researching and sketching this building, I needed to see it from many vantage points, reference numerous books and online sources for a complete view and representation of it.
The Carnegie Foundation issued its book - length report, Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law (Carnegie Report) in 2007.1 Although there have been numerous responses to it, relatively few have engaged it with any degree of critical analysis.2 Law schools across the country have enthusiastically mentioned the Carnegie Report in connection with curricular changes intended to «prepare» students, in the words of the Report, for the practice of law.3 Mostly these changes amount to adding clinical options or even clinical requirements, adding units to legal writing programs, and updating professional responsibility courses.
BiggerPockets commissioned the writing of these two books because although there are numerous books in existence already about this subject, most were written in an economic time very different from today.
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