Sentences with phrase «although traditional tests»

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This species has a history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and although there have been anecdotal reports of benefits, there have been no clinical controlled studies to test the efficacy of this herb (herb, here referring to a general term that may be either a plant, root, mold, and in this case, a parasite.)
In fact, the ways in which Aster defies traditional expectations is likely to make this a very divisive flick when it's released by A24 later this year, although these conversation - starters are typically the movies that last the test of time.
In exchange, they receive more autonomy, although all public schools, charter or traditional, use the same course content (Common Core, renamed «New Jersey Student Learning Standards) and the same tests (PARCC, which, by the way, just got an «unconditional thumbs - up» for accurately measuring student growth).
Although one can't consider the results gains because the tests and testing rules changed, the figures have encouraged many: In the English exams for grades 3 - 8, the traditional public schools passage rate «rose» by 7.6 percentage points, and for charter schools, the figure was up 13.7 percentage points.
· Although some methods of managing performance assessments can cost more then machine scoring of multiple choice tests (i.e. when such assessments are treated as traditional external tests and shipped out to separately paid scorers), the cost calculus changes when assessment is understood as part of teachers» work and learning — built into teaching and professional development time.
Although it is true that some students become engaged by the traditional education process itself (listening to a lecture, taking notes, studying, testing, scoring well on the test), it is certainly not the majority and this model typically doesn't translate to the art classroom.
And, although the first batch of accountability data on Restart schools won't come in until February, school district leaders say they believe charter freedoms will allow some traditional public schools to boost test scores.
Although a traditional gearshift system is standard, our test car had the now well - known F1 transmission operated by fixed fingertip paddles behind the multifunctional steering wheel.
Just as studies have shown that value investing holds a slight edge over growth investing over the long haul, fundamental investing has shown an ability to outperform its traditional cap - weighted peers, although that history is not long once you throw out back - testing (results «proven» by looking backward and seeing how the strategy might have performed had it existed years ago).
I mentioned in discussing blood total lipase and blood amylase levels that although those were the traditional methods for diagnosing pancreatitis for many years, veterinarians knew that those tests were not very accurate.
Finally, an opportunity for a negotiated outcome arises where a claimant group, although unlikely to satisfy the legal tests for obtaining a native title determination, nevertheless is able to show that its members are the traditional owners of a particular area and have a continuing connection to that country.
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