Sentences with phrase «always use essential oils»

Always use essential oils with awareness, know your child, and find routines that are right for you.

Not exact matches

Note: High - cineole essential oils (like menthol, peppermint, rosemary, and eucalyptus) aren't always considered safe for children, so check with your pediatrician before using these with your kids.
As always, I recommend using Young Living essential oils as they are the purest, high - grade essential oils that I've come across.
I always suggest that pregnant women consult an aromatherapist before using any essential oils.
For this reason, you should always discuss the use of herbal treatments and essential oils with your doctor, lactation consultant or another herbal specialist, and be sure to purchase your products from a reputable source.
However always make sure to always check with your doctor which essential oils for children are safe before using them.
You can always use some citrus blend essential oils to help decrease the clogs as well.
Second rule I have is to always dilute your essential oils before using them.
I am not an expert by any means, so I always tell pregnant moms and new moms» Before using essential oils, always consult your practitioner, and research varieties and usage specific to your stage of motherhood and always remember to use Only 100 % pure essential oils
You can always check with a certified aromatherapist if you're interested in using essential oils undiluted.
I've always been careful to use essential oils safely and not ingest them unless suggested by a healthcare provider, but I love using them topically.
Because of the strength of essential oils, I am cautious of over-using them and want to make sure that my family always uses them safely.
It's important to always use high quality essential oils, as the cheaper options tend to be diluted are are less effective.
Since essential oils are highly concentrated, always dilute before use.
I haven't tried this yet, but it could be added to this serum for additional benefit (just always use caution and do your own research when using essential oils!)
Notes: Use caution with essential oils of any kind, especially wintergreen and peppermint on children or pregnant women and always ask a doctor before using any herb or essential oils.
I'll continue to share ways that you can use essential oils to support your own wellness, but it will always be in the form of supporting your body systems for optimal function.
I have yet to come across a person that essential oils do not work for — it's always been a matter of using quality oils in the most appropriate amount, and using your body as the best guide to what works for you at this time.
If you're anything like me, you've got a great stash of essential oils and are always looking for ways to use them.
When using essential oils on skin, in a bath or shower, or in an aromatherapy massage, always dilute the oil and be careful not to use too much.
Avoid direct contact with sking and always dilute essential oils before topical use.
Although I have been using essential oils for a year, I am still always seeking recipes!
I always use lavender essential oil to set a relaxing mood in the room, but I think I will try to incorporate it into my healing by using specific oils for a client's needs.
Remember to always be careful when using essential oils, oils that are great for use on the skin may be harmful if ingested or used to close to sensitive parts of your body like eyes, nose and throat, as well as certain private areas.
I have always used baking soda in my fridge which helps to remove the odor but adding essential oils would help to make it smell nice & fresh!
My friend, Nina of Shalom Mama compiled a list of which essential oils should and shouldn't be used during pregnancy that I always refer to.
Always test essential oils on a small area to test for a sensitivity or allergic reaction before using an essential oil for the first time.
Avoid direct contact with skin and always dilute essential oils before topical use.
Women who are pregnant should always consult their physician before use of essential oils.
Note: When using essential oil roller bottles, you always want to gently shake the bottle end for end a few times to ensure that the oils are well mixed before every use.
You should always use some kind of carrier oil, which is less potent to contain the essential oils.
Combining essential oils with a carrier oil is always a safe idea, and it allows for a greater surface area of application, so be sure to use a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil with your essential oil massage.
I always consult with my children's pediatrician before using essential oils.
Always use caution when using essential oils: It's important to dilute them in witch hazel or distilled water first, and make sure you don't spray or apply products near the eyes, nose, mouth or other sensitive areas.
It is always best to try to use essential oils only as often as is needed to keep symptoms comfortable, so if an application every 3 days maintains comfort - then using the schedule that is best for that individual is recommended (ie applying every 3 days.)
First, there are areas of the body which must always be avoided when using essential oils topically.
Again - I always have to say with PROPER use, because there are many who are using essential oils in very aggressive or improper ways - which certainly could lead to adverse physical effects.
One easy way I freshen the scent of our home every day (without burning candles or other more harmful products like chemical air fresheners or sprays) is by diffusing seasonal combinations of oils (I use Young Living essential oils for their quality and purity) so my house always smells inviting.
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