Sentences with phrase «american civic participation»

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This compels us to reconsider the civic project of American Christianity that has for the most part guided our participation in the liberal public order for at least a century.
Studies show that the Americans most obsessed with the lives of celebrities are particularly unlikely to participate in civic life, but that may be because they're the Americans who are particularly unlikely to have easy access to significant forms of political participation.
The conference, sponsored by The Cultural Agents Initiative, the Provost Office at Harvard University, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and the Harvard University Committee on Human Rights Study, attracted 96 artists, educators, and researchers, who identified and exchanged best photography practices to promote children agencies and civic participation.
American youths are reading less in their free time than a generation ago, a statistic that bodes poorly for their academic performance, job prospects, civic participation, and even social well - being, a report by the National Endowment for the Arts says.
A 2016 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that only 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government, which was a significant decline from previous years.1 Not surprisingly, public trust in government is at only 18 percent2 and voter participation has reached its lowest point since 1996.3 Without an understanding of the structure of government; rights and responsibilities; and methods of public engagement, civic literacy and voter apathy will continue to plague American democracy.
In fact, Colorado's only statewide graduation requirement is the satisfactory completion of a civics and government course.18 Because all Colorado high schools must teach one year of civics, teachers are expected to cover the origins of democracy, the structure of American government, methods of public participation, a comparison to foreign governments, and the responsibilities of citizenship.
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