Sentences with phrase «american diet industry»

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Shedd and his readers could hardly have foreseen the impending explosion of Christian diet literature into a multimillion - dollar industry, one that rode the back of the American diet craze and capitalized on it by creating a message specially geared to the evangelical multitudes.
«In addition to the well - known health benefits of a diet rich in seafood, domestic aquaculture benefits us in many other ways, providing jobs for hardworking Americans in an industry capable of expanding exponentially,» he adds.
Created by entrepreneur and part - time turkey grower Earl B. Olson and named for his daughter Jennifer, Jennie - O Foods thrived and developed into an industry leader throughout the decades as turkey grew to become a staple of the American diet.
The beef and poultry industries want the proposals to place more emphasis on high - quality, nutrient - rich proteins that offer all essential amino acids in a serving (neither protein nor amino acids are lacking in American diets).
Because most Americans are following a diet they have been told by their government and the advertising industry is good for them, while the shocking truth is that this diet is not only wrong, it's dangerous.
That being said, our primary problem in America with regard to diet is doctors like Rosedale aren't funded to do large population studies with healthful diets that could in turn reduce taxpayers contribution to the medical industries, American's are bombarded with unhealthy propagandistic marketing from food corporations, Americans have been taught that it's not our fault that we eat bad food because «were hungry» (with pouty lips) and a healthy diet is aberrant and only for people who are overweight.
Europeans have an innate sense to diet sensibly without falling victim to the 40 billion dollar weight loss industry that we Americans buy into year after year.
While I predict the ensuing comment stream will assail me as a shill for the pet food industry (I'll accept the charge, but add that I truly believe in the concept of complete and balanced and of commercial diets), and comments will support your position, you'll never get Americans to give up the quality and convenience (emphasis on convenience) of high end commercial diets.
Despite our $ 60 billion diet and fitness industry, 65 percent of Americans are overweight or obese.
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