Sentences with phrase «american ideology»

These landscapes serve more as a portrait of the American ideology to constantly build and reinvent itself.
The new series of interpretive portraits by painter Abshalom Jac Lahav combines faces of famous persons out of history, and specifically out of the belief system of American ideology and creed, with the bodies of fashion models wearing sleek, sometimes nearly transparent outfits.
Social mobility has been a longstanding part of our American ideology, even as the country becomes increasingly stratified.
As President Obama's words demonstrate, each American ideology is trying to control this founding, all important, moment in time, from which political progress (time) or stability (time) must gain its justification.
But they have altered the fundamental fact that the economic system of late industrial America can not be reconciled with the fundamental American ideology of economic independence as the basis of political order.
Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology, Penguin Books, 1966, p. 207.
They should tear off all Christian wrappings from the individualistic American ideology.
In discussing this American ideology it is important to emphasize how little the assumptions that govern our policies are publicly debated.
Each film depicted the cold detachment of the U.S. military, the government's disregard for its young working and middle class boys, and the unraveling of American ideologies about home and country.
Ever since this temporal and spatial founding, American ideologies have been fighting over it.
Anyone who has read my writing and / or knows me personally or professionally knows that I am far from a docile, status quo, socially unawakened, shucking - and - jiving Black woman when it comes to co-signing to mainstream White American ideologies about anything, least of all education.
Wendy Red Star works across disciplines to explore the intersection of Native American ideologies and colonialist structures, in the past and in contemporary society.

Not exact matches

The nation is strikingly united — across ages, income levels and political ideologies — in its generally negative opinion of corporate behavior, and on the ways in which it believes big business can and should do better, according to the organization's survey of 43,000 Americans.
Trump was reportedly nominated by an anonymous American for his «ideology of peace by force.»
«The idea it expresses even seems perilously close to proslavery ideology as it existed in the early American republic,» explains W. Caleb McDaniel in this must - read piece.
(Quick recap: The ideology is that trade and overseas manufacturing is bad for American workers who've lost jobs as other countries — namely China — have become exporters.)
To the extent that the American management ideology is going to be challenged, Asian companies with Asian values are well placed to do the challenging.
Management ideology is, in essence, the last bastion of American hegemony.
Instead, it is in the control of a higher power that cruelly takes the lives of tens of thousands of Americans every year — and this ideology becomes even more absurd when you consider that we are supposed to have a separation of church and state.
For it to simply be subject to American consumerism and cater to a white audience, is parallel to colonial ideology.
It's not because anyone is shutting the door in their face, but because their ideology increasingly does not apply to the American condition.»
Romney might want to come up with a coherent story of how the President's combination of ideology and irresponsibility is damaging American living standards and then offer and intelligible alternative.
Further the death of this person is not going to stop an ideology - i think this burning hatred for american and western policies will remain and this is where the real war needs to be waged - that is to change the minds of the people.
The best known effort was a college course (t itled «Renewing American Civilization») at a third - rate college that Gingrich nakedly used to recruit and organize conservative candidates, and to feed them his carefully constructed ideology and political slogans.
Because of the American history and general ideology, this is all most people can comprehend.
While atheism is not a belief system in itself, American Atheists go a step further in promoting policies, ethics and ideology.
In the Reagan era, extreme free - enterprise ideology, which has always been popular with entrepreneurs and small business people, is staging a takeover of the more exalted bastions of American finance.
Perhaps because the Klan is universally familiar, Americans are apt to ignore or even to laugh at it, yet to underestimate the hatred inherent in the Klan's ideology and the violent and criminal acts that this ideology so often motivates its adherents to commit, is to make a serious error.
I strongly believe the selection of an actor for the «Devil / Satan» role who is African = American and resembles President Obama is a deliberate and obvious racial and political attempt to promote fear in those people who are looking for excuses to rationalize their own bigotry and promote their white supremacist ideologies.
Klan ideology, at its core, is centered on the idea that white Americans are threatened by nonwhite minorities and that most of these threats are arranged or encouraged by a sinister Jewish conspiracy.
Tax resistance provided a portal to the vast array of theologies and ideologies of the American cultic milieu — including the doctrines of the Posse Comitatus, who regard all jurisdictions higher than that of the county as illegitimate.
Modern American Christians have been completely and thoroughly brainwashed by the secular ideology of nationalism.
Rather, it is the ideology of «American exceptionalism» according to which all that the United States does is good, and all the good that is done has its source in the United States.
Finally, the provision of universal free public education is the most dramatic evidence of the American rejection of a class ideology.
Acknowledging that the American system of advanced learning, with its openness, diversity, freedom from suffocating ideology and unmatched vitality, is the envy of the world, Boyer, through extensive research, nevertheless confirms what every informed observer already knows: «the undergraduate college, the very heart of higher learning, is a troubled institution» (p. 2) One's first thought is, Here comes ammunition for the next barrage by William Bennett!
The influence of French political thought and continental natural - rights theories were major components of the emerging American political ideology.
«For, contrary to conventional wisdom and ideology, their networks have the smallest proportion of kinsmen of all native - born Americans.
Nor does the assertion mean all Americans believe equally in the ideology or mean by it the same thing in all respects.
See, for example, the particular data of Herbert McCloskey, «Consensus and Ideology in American Politics,» American Political Science Review, 58 June.964), pp. 361 - 382.
It appears to them and it appears to me that many churches, ministries are more influenced by culture, more influenced by political ideology, more influenced by American nationalism than by the radical demands by Jesus to live as exiles and sojourners and refugees in this alien world called America.
«5 The ideology underlying this alliance might be summarized as follows: (1) There is a God (2) whose will can be known through democratic procedures; therefore (3) democratic America has been God's primary agent in history, and (4) for Americans the nation has been their chief source of identity.6
It's American conservatives who have an extremist ideology.
A consideration of ideology is difficult for us because we American churchpeople are largely innocent about our own interpretive work.
Church, denomination, and sect — each type of religious community and, within each, the different religious ideologies, practices, and covenants exhibit the genius of the civilization we call American.
American dominance and isolation and perfect security ended with the launching of Sputnik and the rise of a third world with its commitment to neutrality rather than to either communist or capitalist ideologies, and it challenged your notion and mine of this country's manifest destiny to be the city on the hill, the new Eden, the covenanted people — as never before in U.S. history.
This from his review of James Davison Hunter's Culture Wars: «What I find so remarkable about the history of American Protestantism in the twentieth century is that, despite all of the institutional contortions and the ebb and flow of ideology, the center has held.
Ideology grown in denominational hothouses is really unhelpful, both to Christians and American civic life, and especially» from a Lutheran view» to a theology of the priesthood of all believers, believers called to exercise part of their priesthood in the voting booth.
While these voices are doubtless present in American culture, I find the opposite argument more persuasive: The relative absence of ideology in American politics, culture, or religion allows Americans to steer a middle course to navigate clear of the shoals of extremism.»
To raise the question of obedience in the midst of American civil religion is a hazardous enterprise, but that is precisely what the Deuteronomist has done in the midst of temple ideology.
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