Sentences with phrase «american military aircraft»

American military aircraft sprayed some 50 million litres of Agent Orange over the country between 1962 and 1971 in a project known as Operation Ranch Hand, which at its peak in 1969 employed 25 aircraft.
India should replace its dependence on Iranian oil through cooperation with America in nuclear - power production and cease its dependency on Russian airframe technology by buying advanced American military aircraft.

Not exact matches

Chinese personnel at the country's first overseas military base in Djibouti have been using lasers to interfere with US military aircraft at a nearby American base, activity that has resulted in injuries to US...
Chinese personnel at the country's first overseas military base in Djibouti have been using lasers to interfere with US military aircraft at a nearby American base, activity that has resulted in injuries to US pilots and...
On American shores, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2000 [PDF] mandated that by 2010 one - third of the military's combat aircraft be unmanned and that by 2015 one - third of all combat vehicles be unmanned.
Seen as a major contributor to American art of the 1960s, his best - known work is his huge wraparound painting F - 111 (1965, Museum of Modern Art, New York), a 23 - panel work that juxtaposes American consumer products against the backdrop of a military aircraft.
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