Sentences with phrase «american public and policymakers»

A document published by the Public Relations Society of America, discovered by DeSmog, reveals that from the onset of its public relations campaign, the oil industry courted mainstream media reporters to help it sell the idea of lifting the ban on crude oil exports to the American public and policymakers.
So long as the American public and policymakers are unaware...

Not exact matches

I highlight this part of your article because countering this argument is so critical for changing the minds of both policymakers and the American public.
And so the American public — and some policymakers like Perry — may perceive the situation on the ground as less serious than it And so the American publicand some policymakers like Perry — may perceive the situation on the ground as less serious than it and some policymakers like Perry — may perceive the situation on the ground as less serious than it is.
The mission of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy is to unify policymakers, regulators, business leaders, and the American public behind a common sense energy strategy to help keep America secure, prosperous, and clean.
«We have an obligation as policymakers and influencers to protect our youth from the lifelong health problems associated with picking up that first cigarette,» wrote Michael Seilback, vice president for public policy and communications for the American Lung Association in the Northeast.
At this critical time of tax reform, widening gaps between the rich and poor and growing public support for higher taxes and redistribution to combat inequality, policymakers should consider joint federal tax and redistributive policies to reduce the burden of mortality among Americans,» said Professor Kim.
During a 6 - 10 June training program, the 15 AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute fellows also engaged in interactive sessions on the science of science communication, public attitudes about climate change, how Americans consume science news, best practices in leveraging social media, and the fundamentals of engaging policymakers in science - based dialogue.
Reviewing multiple challenges now facing science, Holdren used his speech to a standing - room - only crowd at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Washington headquarters to focus on the obligations of scientists and engineers to explain their research and its implications and share their knowledge with policymakers and the public.
Policymakers have struggled to specifically define «the public interest,» but the broad intent was clear: Government rules and programs worked to ensure a diversity of programming, distributed by a multitude of companies, with many different owners, through multiple channels that all Americans had access to.
The Society serves scientists, health professionals, and the public by providing forums to: (1) share research results through the ASHG Annual Meeting and in The American Journal of Human Genetics; (2) advance genetic research by advocating for research support; (3) educate current and future genetics professionals, health care providers, advocates, policymakers, educators, students, and the public about all aspects of human genetics; and (4) promote genetic services and support responsible social and scientific policies.
Education Week, published by the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation Editorial Projects in Education (EPE), was founded in 1981 to serve the public interest by providing independent, nonpartisan reporting and analysis on American precollegiate education for school leaders, other educators, policymakers, and members of the general public.
While policymakers and pundits hotly debate the merits of vouchers, national tests, and limiting class sizes, the American public is more interested in the qualifications of the people who work most closely with students, a survey shows.
The history of NAEP's benchmarks partially explains how policymakers and the public have become convinced of the catastrophic failure of American public education.
More importantly, the accountability provisions have proven to be useful to reformers, as well as reform - minded policymakers, researchers, and families in advancing the systemic overhaul of American public education.
Yes, as he says in closing, «parents and policymakers might do a great deal to reverse the intensifying segregation of American public education simply by educating themselves about what test scores do and don't say about school quality... Questioning what they have long accepted, however, they might begin to create something different.»
Thanks to No Child, the work of researchers such as Robert Balfanz, Jay P. Greene, and Christopher Swanson, the efforts of policymakers such as former Indiana Commissioner of Higher Education Stan Jones and Congressman - Elect Luke Messer, and the National Governors Association, states revamped their graduation rate calculations and admitted the abysmal state of American public education.
Second, we believe that claims made on the basis of this flawed study feed the false hopes of many Americans, including policymakers, educators, and the general public, that we can find a single, simple solution, such as directly teaching phonics, to the real and complex problem of improving the reading of young children in high poverty schools.
This sort of backward thinking echo back to the days before the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001, when education policymakers and practitioners preferred to ignore the racialist policies that often made American public education a way - station to poverty and prison for poor and minority children.
Viewpoints of charters are equally varied among policymakers and education leaders, while the American public mostly supports charters but is simultaneously confused about how they operate.
Opponents of these programs, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the American Bird Conservancy, and others, have for years misrepresented the science and used scaremongering in their attempt to influence policymakers and the public.
Respected scientists, Nobel Laureates and policymakers, including Lester Brown, Tony Blair, and Dr. James Hansen, have stressed the importance of raising public awareness about environmental degradation for 35 years; no one, to my knowledge, has examined what is actually needed in terms of communications to reach, inform, engage and motivate millions of Americans.
In 2012 Susan was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for her «exceptional contributions in the area of science communication, particularly for communication of the science of climate change to policymakers and the public
To restore science to a place in the American political realm, Otto contends that citizens must be better informed; that the media must work to connect the public, scientists, and policymakers in an objective, nonpartisan manner.
[2][3] The U.S. Chamber of Commerce runs the Institute for 21st Century Energy, now the Global Energy Insitute, a group with the stated mission to «unify policymakers, regulators, business leaders, and the American public behind a common sense energy strategy to help keep America secure, prosperous, and clean.»
In 2014, the AIA announced a partnership with the American Institute of Architects Foundation and Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture to form the first - ever Design and Health Research Consortium, a group of leading academic public health institutions and universities that helps translate research on design's influence on public health into architectural practice for policymakers, design and public health professionals and the general public.
Because many social scientists, policymakers, and members of the general public believe that a two - parent household is the optimal setting for children's development, the decline in such households has generated widespread concern about the well - being of American children.
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