Sentences with phrase «american religious traditions»

This failure, in combination with other religious approaches to television, suggests that none of the major strategies employed by the major American religious traditions have been effective in overcoming the awesome power of the television industry itself.
Naturally, there are degrees of theological sophistication in this music, which reflects a wide swath of American religious traditions.
You kind of run the gamut of conservative American religious traditions.
Historic conflicts between major American religious traditions such as the classic confrontations of Protestant and Catholic are being replaced by vigorous disputes within traditions.
The Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., with which I am pleased to be affiliated, was founded in the 1970s in large measure to combat the perception that an intellectually and morally impoverished understanding of the dominant American religious traditions had rendered those traditions useless, or (as in the lamentable presidency of Jimmy Carter) worse than useless in guiding Americans» thinking about a sensible and responsible foreign policy.
The Project brings together scholars, judges, and journalists for roundtable discussions on topics such as the American religious tradition and the role of tradition in law and politics.

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Loyola keeping a Catholic identity helps promote real intellectual diversity in American public life (and, again, I'd say the same as to other religious universities; I can imagine some religious belief systems that are so pernicious that, while they must be constitutionally protected, we can still say they hurt American life more than they help it, but I think that most of the traditions that found universities do have a good deal to contribute).
To complicate the picture, we have to acknowledge that the Catholic Church today represents the largest single religious community in the United States, while American Catholics have absorbed the free - church traditions on the relation between the Church and politics, believing that a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a whole.
Almost forgotten in the last two decades of his life and completely forgotten today except by students of American religious history, Ward was a nationally prominent radical in the early twentieth - century tradition of Walter Rauschenbusch's Social Gospel movement.
The American Coptic community is close - knit: The tradition's churches tend to be social hubs as well as religious centers.
How could American Lutherans make an idol of a nation whose philosophical assumptions (enlightenment liberalism) and dominant religious tradition (revivalist Calvinism) were so fundamentally at odds with their most basic understandings?
It's simple enough, and although the American Rorty and the Italian Vattimo have been formed by different philosophical and religious traditions (pragmatism and red - diaper communism for Rorty, hermeneutics and cradle Catholicism for Vattimo), they agree on most of its elements.
First, for the arts world, the loss of a transcendent religious vision, a refined and rigorous sense of the sacred, the breaking and discarding of two thousand years of Christian mythos, symbolism, and tradition has left contemporary American art spiritually diminished.
«Contrary to popular perceptions, the vast majority of American adolescents are not spiritual seekers or questers of the type often described by journalists and some scholars, but are instead mostly oriented toward and engaged in conventional religious traditions and communities.»
Often raised in several places in no specific cultural or religious community, educated with no deep connection to a particular region, history, or tradition, and now employed mostly in academia, the American writer is becoming as standardized as the American car — functional, streamlined, and increasingly interchangeable.
Christmas is a great American tradition whether you are religious or not.
Commentary since September 11 has produced a cognitive dissonance among Americans about Islam, the world's second largest religious tradition.
Even if we consider the three major religious groups as ethnic traditions rather than religious in the narrow sense, their brightest and most creative intellectuals and artists have been absorbed into the general American intellectual and artistic community so as to deprive the communal groups of their natural cultural leaders.
Proud of their secular society, most Japanese aren't religious in the way Americans are: They tend not to identify with a single tradition nor study religious texts.
While praising the «rich tradition» of American liberalism and its practice of challenging «any authoritarian imposition of religious or ethical values,» the authors assert that «we can't have our cake and eat it: unlimited choice and uncluttered freedom get in the way of family strength and community well - being.»
As American society and law remain grounded in moral norms and faith - based traditions, those asserting claims grounded in religious freedom may strike sympathetic chords.
Showing off the American flag is most common among those who belong to a religious tradition; 78 percent of religious Americans show off the flag.
Still, if his purpose was, as he writes, to provide «an understanding of the vital religious component of the American tradition,» it might have been helpful to give readers a greater sense of the variation, and even the conflict, within that tradition.
But most American practitioners wouldn't go nearly so far as to label yoga as a religious act or even to relate it to a specific religious tradition.
It was solely because of his religious conversion that he joined the political wars and made available the great Christian theological tradition to the American political debate.
Even though American people are very religious, that does not mean the culture is devoted to serving the God of the historic Hebrew and Christian traditions.
If these contributions include posing challenges to certain aspects of our society, their critical stance will be consistent with a long American tradition of principled reform based on religious convictions.
We claimed allegiance to an American «tradition» of religious tolerance, pluralism, freedom, and separation.
David L. Schindler criticizes the liberal view of the human person that he sees encoded into the American project in First Things, to which Richard John Neuhaus responded with a more positive view of our national heritage, in which religious faith and a strong tradition of civic associations moderate the excesses of liberal individualism.
A powerful church, unaccustomed in its own history and tradition to the American ideal of separation of church and state, but flourishing under the religious liberty provided by our [I am allowed one sic?]
We now need an understanding of our American secularity which will let our manu religious traditions of values and ends play a mew role in maintaining the common life the Constitution was designed to reflect and protect.
«Remenber all scpritures are inspired words from God, my point is, Jesus wants us to be more than religious, but obedient.Jefferson is just stating that American Churches have become more corrupted with its religious practices that they have forgotten about jesus along the way.The church has taken scriptures and have use them according to what is pleasing to themselves.Jesus wants us to forget about what is pleasing to ourselves and follow him, be like him, love him (means be obedient to him) and ignore what we have known as religion.I define religion as jefferson is using in the video as an act of man pretending or decieving himself into believing that he know God and that he is better than others.He shows that by what he know / pratice not really whats in his heart and by serving how we choose which is pleasing to us, so we use God as a vessel praticing holy rituals teaching what we have made tradition and we have a eternal life with God.God created religion in order for us to remenber him and have a personal relationship with him through his son regardless of the many mistakes we have made in the past.We need to remenber God Forgets our past «he sperate our sins from us as far as the east is from the west».
I do not think now that the religious and ideological heritage that I was given as a child and as an adolescent was an entirely authentic version of the American tradition, but the subjective sense of continuity with the past is an indelible experience that undoubtedly colors even my present perceptions.
In 1988, when Latin American and North American Christian communicators met in San Juan, Puerto Rico, a highlight of the week was the presentation of indigenous songs and dance by Puerto Rican Christians who carry on a rich and sophisticated religious musical tradition for the sheer joy of it.
To observe such arbitrary religious invention happening, you need only attend that remarkable caricature of the American religious scene, the annual national convention of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), most sessions of which will be devoted to considering what parts of what «traditions» can be crafted together to make a religion satisfactory to some group and / or set of interests.
We can best manifest our loyalty to American traditions of religious and political liberty by exercising the God - given right of looking at ourselves in the light of his Word.
The vitality of American churches may owe a great deal to the fact that having so many competing religious traditions has forced each to work hard to attract and hold members.
Also useful are faculty seminars that encourage small groups to study a text from another religious tradition, or a current social issue, or a current American religious practice in such a way that transcends specialized fields.
For radicals, too, should praise the American tradition of democratic process and religious and political liberty.
Accordingly, he paid special attention to (1) the special place of Judaism and Christianity in Western civilization, which the first approach had stressed; (2) the relationship between the history of religions and philosophy of religion (or theology), which the second approach had emphasized; and (3) the concern North Americans had shown for specific religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
Reagan's religious understanding is, in short, sectlike, in Ernst Troeltsch's generic sense of sects as one legitimate expression of the Christian gospel and tradition, and as one deep - rooted mode of American Christianity.
An analysis of current religious programming on American television reveals the influence of this shaping effect on religious programming also: particular religious traditions are presented to the exclusion of others; there are apparent similarities between the content of many religious programs and general television programming; and there are similarities in religious program formats and content even in programs from a range of different theological traditions and experience.
Most Americans probably support the implicit moral position of mainstream Protestantism and perhaps of America's religious traditions in general: permit as few legal abortions as possible without damaging women's rights and without making it necessary for women to perform abortions on themselves or seek clandestine and possibly dangerous abortions.
In the past, the fundamentalist and evangelical traditions within Christianity have tended to stand in a counterculture relationship with American society while the mainline churches have been more identified as a culture - affirming religious tradition.
The religious education movement has had a long history of interaction with the American tradition.
Authoritative teaching of the American hierarchy in regard to religious liberty, a teaching squarely in line with the Church's tradition, has been consistently presented by Father Francis J. Connell.
It may be true that our religious traditions are part of the problem, but the problem may lie less in an overweening zeal for transcendence than in the localistic immanentalism of American religion, the fissiparous sectarian impulses in much of Protestantism, and the anti-institutional instincts of today's residual romanticism.
The American Jewish community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions as well as encompassing the full spectrum of religious observance.
The America Jack personifies is in somewhat of the same position with Old Europe: America was the brave new world where inequality, religious wars, wars of domination, and destructive traditions of inequality and oppression would be overcome and replaced with enviable ideals, with an American Dream every individual could fulfill.
As partisan controversies and multiple lawsuits proliferate over the Trump executive order banning migration from six Muslim - majority countries, many have expressed concern as to whether the American tradition of tolerance of other religious groups would be extended to practitioners of Islam, one of the world's largest religions.
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