Sentences with phrase «american society»

As American society and law remain grounded in moral norms and faith - based traditions, those asserting claims grounded in religious freedom may strike sympathetic chords.
As a development of the Transcendental philosophical movement, it has been part of American society since the 1830's and included such great thinkers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Susan B. Anthony.
I would ask, was American society any different from African societies on the issue of homosexuality just over a decade ago?
Were Burtchaell's proposals followed, he suggests, Catholic schools would not be «centers of excellence» but «backwaters, curious reminders of a conservative critique of the 1990s American Catholic Church and of some aggressively secularizing forces in American society
But the impact of availability of this expanded choice does not fall evenly across American society.
In American society, I would argue, this clash can be seen in the nature of our anonymous individualism.
These persons believe that any attempt by government to promote a particular conception of the good life is, given the pluralistic nature of American society, imprudent at best.
There are some grounds, alas, for thinking that American society is becoming less open and that its power is in decline.
«Alcohol and its effects have been a major challenge in American society,» said NAE President Leith Anderson in a statement accompanying the survey results.
The re-ordering of American law, policy, and society since at least the 1950s, all in the name of «liberty,» imposed differential costs on different parts of American society.
4 / According to Mr. Edwin Newman of the National Broadcasting Company, on a nation - wide TV broadcast in the United States,»... the general level of TV behavior In news reflected the American society, and it was not reasonable to expect an organization that Is financed by advertisers to pioneer In fields that may offend people.
This means that the new immigrants represent not the de-Christianization of American society but the de-Europeanization of American Christianity.
I think this same syndrome helps us understand the cult of youth in American society.
I have heard it said by some of our younger radicals that the real oppressors in American society and the only beneficiaries of the American system are the white, male, Anglo - Saxon Protestants.
At face value, these items seem to punctuate the argument in favor of Christian Privilege existing as a visible, tangible construct in American society.
I am discouraged about the direction of the Euro - American churches and Euro - American society today.
All of these considerations do not change the fact that for a long time American society has been organized around the image of the successful white Anglo - Saxon man, nor assuage the bitterness of those excluded from the central rewards of the society because of the fact of sex or race or age.22 Plato long ago pointed out that the tyrant who can gratify every whim is the greatest slave of all, because he is completely at the mercy of his own desires, but he did not mean that argument as an excuse for tyrants.
«Despite the many changes that have taken place in American society and culture over the past 30 years, including new discoveries in biological and social science, there has been virtually no sustained change in Americans» views of the origin of the human species since 1982,» wrote Gallup's Frank Newport.
There are, as one would expect, several essays in the book on Jews and Judaism, some reflecting Kristol's religious interests» the need, for example, to sustain in Jewish identity a religious element and not merely a cultural one» others his political ones, exploring the relations of modern American Jews with a pluralistic American society that has given them an uncommonly large, though not unlimited, berth.
We have a long way to go to develop a vision of the common good for pluralistic American society.
Obviously, al - Qaeda knows that the best way to infiltrate American society is through its two most brilliant members.
This deep division within American Protestantism has made it difficult for the oldline denominations to give significant leadership in American society.
«22 He developed a passion for a realistic theology which would be relevant to man's total life in twentieth - century American society.
Rich and greedy and completely out of touch from the real American society.
The transhumanism of Humanity 4.5 is thus an extreme expression of the libertarianism that is spreading through American society, increasingly bankrolling and driving the agenda of both major political parties.
Two - thirds of Mormons say their fellow citizens do not view Mormonism as part of mainstream American society.
Segregation by color is a hold over of the bigotry that characterized the social norms of american society.
There are some surprising parallels between how Mormons feel about their place in American society and how Muslims do, according to an earlier Pew survey.
, Sojourners 6 (October 1977): 11 - 14; Stephen Charles Mott, «Egalitarian Aspects of the Biblical Theory of Justice,» Selected Papers of the American Society of Christian Ethics: 1978.
Unless Christians recognize that structures can work iniquity as well as justice, they will wash their zeal in frustration as they try to reform American society by reforming individuals.
As the Catholic church transformed itself internally at Vatican II and as the place of Catholicism in American society lost its old distinctiveness during the 1960s, they fragmented and lost whatever faint hope they might once have had of presenting a coordinated program of religion - based social reform.
Behind such a programmatic is an underlying acceptance of the structure of American society.
There are other ways to try to integrate in the American society... Getting NYC schools to shut down on Eid is not one of them.
This is a tiny hamlet of nineteenth - century settlement, much reduced from its ancient prosperity, yet the house is there, newly built from the ashes of its fiery ruin, Piety Hill, an Italianate pile, which began as a lumber baron's residence, sank to a refuge for impoverished gentry, and became the seat of a literary man — a history suggestive of larger changes in American society since 1918.
In short, from our perspective, it depended on an extremely parochial and naively optimistic view of American society and of the power of human rationality.
He also believes that Calvary, Hope, and the Vineyard point the way to the future as «new paradigm churches» for American society.
CNN: On campaign trail, Romney ratchets ups God rhetoric At campaign events these days, Mitt Romney often says that if he is elected president, he will emphasize the role of God in American society and will not «take God out of the public square.»
But there is one group above all others for whom the proclaimed openness of American society has proven false, and that is the Negro.
The universalism of the political system and the relatively complete integration of the cultural elite bring into question the indefinite survival of hereditary ethnic groups in American society, or how vital they will be if they do survive.
A. I'll begin by asserting that American society from about 1776 to about WWI was shaped by a mix consisting of a) modernist Lockean / Cartesian principles, and b) various pre-modern inheritances, Christianity particularly.
Or could they, despite reduced numbers and resources, find an ongoing place in American society from which their distinctive contribution can be made vigorously and faithfully?
The fact that there is relatively so little concern for manners in modern American society is not a consequence of democratic commitment but a sign of uncertainty and indecision concerning our values.
But even in these cases the lack of full integration can be understood, more because of the special forms of oppression they suffer in American society than from any intrinsic closure of intellectual institutions to them.
It is an exploration of the sexual mores of contemporary American society, either as they actually exist or as they are being....
These problems are presented through a series of anecdotes and testimonies coming from the margins of Latin American society.
The sociological perspective suggests that the success of the Pentecostal movement is a response to the structural changes in contemporary Latin American society.
If she is going to spout Bible versus and religious beliefs into her political roles, why wouldn't they and everyone else want to know how that would affect them and every other member of American society?
Outler can write in abstract terms about Chalcedon or in concrete images about historic moments like the rearing up of Emperor Theodosius's horse, as he did in his presidential address at the American Society of Church History.
The church was not only the first true institution in American society, but it «gave the first lessons in participation in the public life.»
Based on McCann's research concerning what the churches are doing in the field of mental illness and mental health, the authors of Action for Mental Health wrote this indictment of our lethargy and unconcern: «The prevalence of religion in modern American society, as measured by church membership... does not seem to have had any measurable positive or negative effect on mental health....
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