Sentences with phrase «american white male»

We currently have an American White male German Shepherd...
While the majority of people prefer to marry from within their races, ethnicity and cultural background, it is increasingly common to find a woman of Asian descent married to an American white male, or an American white woman married to an African - American male.
An Overview of Interracial Matching While the majority of people prefer to marry from within their races, ethnicity and cultural background, it is increasingly common to find a woman of Asian descent married to an American white male, or an American white woman married to an African - American male.
This is hardly a unique location for a North American white male theologian.

Not exact matches

«In this system, female employees and employees of color are systematically undervalued compared to their male and white or Asian American peers,» the lawsuit says.
Microsoft has diverse representation at its highest ranks, including an African - American board chairman, an Indian CEO and a female CFO, but the overall statistics aren't flattering: the company is 61 % white and 71 % male.
«Feeding people's «likes» into an algorithm, information hidden in the lists of favorites predicted whether someone was white or African American with 95 % accuracy, whether they were a gay male with 88 % accuracy, and even identified participants as a Democrat or Republican with 85 % accuracy.
The average American will not fit the young white male stereotype still prevalent in Silicon Valley.
The poll was conducted in September and included responses from 1,131 active - duty troops — 86 % male and 14 % female; 76 % self - identifying as white and 9 % as African - American.
«In this system, female employees and employees of color are systematically undervalued compared to their male and white or Asian American peers,» the lawsuit claims.
That's all to the good; I don't think it's an accident that the first wide - open Best Picture race in decades coincides with the fact that a quarter of voting members have joined since 2014, and that a far lower percentage of them are straight, white male American elders than is the case with the other 75 percent of voters.
how did facebook know my white male offspring who lives in a large american city and has a high - paying job would be interested in suits WHO IS WIRETAPPING US
If you're a white, Christian, American male it's awfully hard to take seriously any claims of persecution.
In the Santiago case, a 17 year old African - American male shot and killed a 13 month old white - Hispanic baby.
In one respect the shock to white male North American theologians produced by feminist theology was softened by the parallel to Black theology.
An American should treat everyone, male or female, black or white, gay or straight, with the exact same respect in every aspect of public life.
But most male white North American process theologians will not become liberation theologians for the same reason that the German theologians are not liberation theologians.
I have heard it said by some of our younger radicals that the real oppressors in American society and the only beneficiaries of the American system are the white, male, Anglo - Saxon Protestants.
A white male process theologian, for example, working (as most do) within the institutional structure of a North American college or university, simply can not become a feminist theologian or do black theology.
Furthermore, angry rhetoric — especially directed these days against human beings who by the accidents of birth happen to be Americans, white and male — never solves any of the problems.
Too many encounters between young African - American males and white law enforcement officers are rooted in false perceptions that have created an unhealthy perspective on both sides.
Forging this kind of relationship created such a sense of trust that when the white police officer who trained me killed a young African - American male in an incident that was ruled to be a justifiable shooting in the mid 90s, there was no finger - pointing between the African - American community and the police department.
Both play a vital role in shaping my view of the Ferguson incident and other incidents similar to Ferguson around the country in which young African - American males are dying at the hands of white police officers.
A friend recently returned from a meeting of United Methodist social justice executives who were evaluating the significance of the November election and reports that the conclusion seemed to be unanimous: The November election represented the last desperate hurrah of the white, male, racist establishment to perpetuate its control of American society.
Looking back, many of us who stand in the tradition of process thought must recognize that quite unconsciously our work has largely expressed our position as white, middle - class, North American males.
The US was NEVER for» all people being created equal», Even when that quote was written only rich white land - owning males could vote in this country... Women, African - Americans, Native Americans, and Indians were secluded from that... You need to read «the people's history of the united states» by howard zinn..
Leon said that, with God's blessing, we can see that all of us - «whether brown, black or white, male or female, first generation immigrant American or Daughter of the American Revolution, gay or straight, rich or poor» - are made in God's image.
People who say they are speaking «as a white male» or as an «African American female» are to be told in no uncertain terms that they have nothing interesting to say unless they are prepared to speak as themselves.
By now it has become tiresome to keep pointing out that «theologians,» including the ones who have made this series so influential, have been preponderantly white, male, Euro - American, etc..
One of the most common blind spots for preachers who come from backgrounds that have traditionally implied power — for instance, male, white, North American, or any combination of these — is the degree to which who they are affects the way people hear them.
And after days of scrutiny, the marine mammal and animal health teams determined that the two - week - old Pacific white - sided dolphin is male, making him one of just three males of this species in North American aquariums and zoos.
You need to counter the strength of a competing candidate with a similar strength of your own; and being a protected minority is a major winning point in modern American identity - based politics (and being a Dead White Male is a weakness in most juridictions except deep red south).
They are overwhelmingly male (Betsy DeVos at Education, if confirmed, and Elaine Chao at Transportation being female exceptions), white (Ben Carson at HUD is the only African American), and fabulously wealthy (there have never been so many billionaires in a Cabinet).
Researcher Seth Stephens - Davidowitz analyzed tens of thousands of profiles of members of, the online white supremacy site, which gets 200,000 - 400,000 visits a month from Americans, and found — based on members» self - reportings — that site users tend to be young, mostly male, and from predominantly white states like Montana, Alaska and Idaho.
Cuomo had been under some pressure from African American and Hispanic leaders — particularly the Rev. Al Sharpton — to tap minorities to serve on his transition, particularly since the statewide Democratic ticket was all - white, and, with the exception of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, also all male.
As the first African - American woman to hold citywide office, James unintentionally cleared the path for one of the white male candidates vying to become the next council speaker.
A New York Times / CBS poll taken in April 2010 showed that people who identified themselves with the Tea Party — they tend to be white, male, Republican, over 45, and angrier than people who simply identify themselves as Republicans — constituted fully 18 percent of likely voters in American.
While only 23 members have publicly declared that they plan to vote for Heastie, these supporters are male and female, white, African - American and Hispanic, and they come from New York City, its suburbs and upstate.
Jenifer Fenton, assistant professor and researcher in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, and Kari Hortos, associate dean in MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Macomb University Center, led the 18 - month, cross-sectional study, which followed 126 healthy, white American males ranging from 48 to 65 years of age.
The researchers signed the letters with a variety of names — male and female — that apparently signaled that the doctoral students were white, African American, Hispanic, or Asian.
Many tests are the product of middle - class, middle - brow, middle - aged, middle Americans and may not be appropriate for people from other groups, leading to the charge that personality tests are biased in favour of the white, middle - class males.
Although the American scientific community has, for many years, enjoyed fruitful international collaborations, a white male majority has largely built the establishment in which science is practiced.
Hispanic male and female youths scored lower than African American or white youths on the other screened areas, with the exception of somatic complains where African American females scored lower than other female detainees.
All inmates were between 18 and 65 years of age, and slightly more than half were white, with the largest proportion of minorities being African - American (31.5 % and 21.5 % respectively for males and females), followed by Native American (7.7 % and 13.2 % respectively by gender).
Deaths in African - American women exceed those of white males
It also notes that white males «view diversity as less critical to MIT's core value of excellence» than their African - American and Hispanic colleagues.
Its mortality rate in African American men is the highest in the world — at least twice that for white males with prostate cancer.
Because of existing cultural associations in the United States that link Black American males with aggression, hostility, and untrustworthiness, the researchers hypothesized that the participants might be more likely to perceive a low financial offer as unfair if it came from a Black rather than White proposer.
Males are twice as likely to be infected as females, and the prevalence in black males (8.12 %) far exceeds that in white (4.05 %) and Mexican - American males (3.4Males are twice as likely to be infected as females, and the prevalence in black males (8.12 %) far exceeds that in white (4.05 %) and Mexican - American males (3.4males (8.12 %) far exceeds that in white (4.05 %) and Mexican - American males (3.4males (3.41 %).
It is time for human spaceflight space advocates to reexamine their rhetoric — to think about what these words mean to the vast variety of people who are not American, not white, not male, and not interested in moving to Mars.
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