Sentences with phrase «anathema to environmentalists»

Anathema to environmentalists because it creates so much pollution, coal still has the undeniable advantages of being widely available and easy to ship and burn.
The exchange centers on Lynas's new book, «The God Species: Saving the Planet in the Age of Humans,» and particularly on his conclusion that some technologies that have been anathema to environmentalists are vital to a smooth human journey in this century — particularly nuclear power and crops developed using biotechnology.
Genetic modification, the realm of the GMO's that are anathema to some environmentalists and much of Europe, is a subset of that arena.

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In a province where there is a long tradition of opposition to clear - cutting forestry practices, pollution from mines, the construction of pipelines and the licensing of coastal marine tanker traffic, the Act came as a godsend to environmentalists and anathema to the resource companies that dominate the economy and contribute heavily to the right - of - centre provincial Liberal party.
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