Sentences with phrase «animal experiments failed»

And that is why animal experiments fail.

Not exact matches

We wanted to know if these creatures were part of a group of animals that survived or a failed evolutionary experiment.
That experiment failed when bacteria in the soil consumed more oxygen than expected, killing off plants and animals and sickening the residents.
In a chronic sleep deprivation experiment, young mice were sensitized to insulin and had improved control of their blood sugar, whereas aged animals became hyperglycemic and failed to maintain appropriate plasma insulin concentrations.
But the similarities leave open another possibility: despite their strange appearance, the Ediacaran organisms might actually be related to living animals rather than being a «failed evolutionary experiment ``.
Campbell did indeed cite some experimental evidence in humans, such as the experiments of Esselstyn and Ornish, but these experiments were either poorly conducted or failed to isolate animal foods as a variable.
Those skills come in handy after a failed experiment by a corrupt pharmaceutical firm causes three satellites to crash and unleash a pathogen that greatly enhances the size and predatory instincts of the animals it infects.
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