Sentences with phrase «antillean confederacy»

By converting «wasted» presidential votes into «none of the above» or support for third - party candidates in Oklahoma, Arizona and other deep red states in the South — the Confederacy, essentially — black voters would exert pressure on party leaders to not take black voters and their issues for granted.
Thousands of white supremacists, Ku Klux Klan members, and defenders of the legacy of the Confederacy have converged this afternoon for a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The decision came amid a larger trend of questioning Confederate memorials across the American South, given the Confederacy's legacy of violence, racism and white supremacy.
So why would you bother with an executive suite full of strangers when, for the cost of some initial rent, you and your peers could start your own confederacy of soloists?
Nominally, the rally on Saturday was organized in opposition to a plan by local officials to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee, the Confederacy's top general, from Emancipation Park in Charlottesville.
Rebel Gold: One Man's Quest To Crack the Code Behind the Secret Treasure of the Confederacy, by Warren Getler and Bob Brewer.
He effectively brought the Confederacy to an end by a reckless strategy that sent so many men to their slaughter.
Regarding the Confederacy, I recently wrote a book on the last major initiative in 1861 to avert the Civil War — the Washington Peace Conference — where both sides extensively made their arguments.
It turns out that God wanted the Confederacy to lose so that slavery would be abolished.
There is the spirit of anti-christ then there is a coming world leader that will, at some point in the future, control a 10 nation confederacy only to set himself up a newly constructed Temple in Jerusalem and call himself God.
Throughout the war, the Confederacy had tried and failed to get recognition from other European states.
Dean Hall and others who urge elimination of any symbols relating to the Confederacy, however, propose their case is a simple moral argument about slavery.
For me, it confirmed that the Confederacy had no persuasive arguments for its case.
Matthew McConaughey stars in this historical epic that tells the story of a real - life farmer who helped lead his own rebellion against the Confederacy during the Civil War.
Thanksgiving guests included uncles who worked in the nearby coal mines, grandfathers who remembered fighting for the Confederacy, and aunts who were honest - to - goodness relatives of the American hero Daniel Boone.
Maybe allowing the confederacy to secede wasn't such a bad idea.
At home I read a history of Georgia and another of the Confederacy.
Fair enough: decades of Communist tyranny set atop centuries of other, far more invincible tyrannies have effectively shattered the Orthodox world into a contentious confederacy of national churches struggling to preserve their own regional identities against every «alien» influence, and under such conditions only the most obdurate stock survives.
The first issue to be examined, and one still sharply debated, is that of the socioeconomic and political nature of the formation of the Israelite tribal confederacy.
The Federalists» Constitution was without a doubt a project designed to replace a weak, inefficient Confederacy with a much more powerful and efficient national state.
John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces, for example, presents a huge cast of characters, lost souls or reprobates all, who, pursuing their assorted vices and delusions, hilariously stumble toward grace and provisional redemption.
Again, reconstruction was largely imposed upon the South, so ill - equipped for conservancy and policy formation were the states of the Confederacy upon their readmission to the Union at the close of the war.
This severely threatened the North, since not only would it lose the tariffs that southerners paid into the national coffers, but it would be unable to prevent tariff - free goods from crossing the border from the Confederacy into the Union.
The Confederacy's constitution established free trade.
The so - called paleoconservatives» an odd amalgam of extreme libertarians, isolationists, anti-Vatican II Catholics, and unreconstructed defenders of the Southern Confederacy» find their reason for being in endless denunciations of the neoconservatives, and of the National Review traditionalists for having sold out to them.
Now he stood barely 100 yards from the capital of the old Confederacy, surrounded by a vast sea of racial prejudice.
The problem here is that the plaintiffs in any such suit would be obliged to sue not only the states we think of as having been slaveholding states — the states of the old Confederacy — but any state where slavery had been legalized at any time.
The Covenant Code in the tribal confederacy is a conjugation of the Exodus doularchy paradigm.
The tribal confederacy, with no human king, was to be the form of that kingdom.
This study of an important event that took place just before the Civil War started helps us in addressing two key historical questions: 1) At what point, if any, was Abraham Lincoln morally justified in fighting the Confederacy?
Since virtually all Pentateuchal law is attributed to Moses, it is all seen as stemming originally from the great confederacy bound together under divine covenant at Sinai.
Two questions underlie this study of the months leading up to the American Civil War: 1) At what point, if any, was Abraham Lincoln morally justified in fighting the Confederacy?
When Sam Houston advised Texans not to join the Confederacy, which was a losing cause, Texans threw him out of office.
Ferguson describes meeting the protest's leader, a rhapsodist of the Old Confederacy, who believes Lincoln «invented the concept of Total War» in order to advance the interests of Big Business and Big Government and smash «a Southern culture of farms and small towns that only asked to be left alone.»
I am sick of my tax dollars going to relieve regular «disasters» that always seem to be concentrated in the we hate paying taxes and the federal government states of the old Confederacy.
But we remember, too, the odds against him — the critically low ebb of the life of the Israelite confederacy; the steady depletion of life and goods under the incessant raids of neighboring states to the east and south; and the multiple group and tribal loyalties offering obstinate resistance against efforts toward unity.
In The Beguiled, he works to charm each female member of a small seminary school in the Confederacy while the men are away and the slaves have run off (a plot point that has earned a lot of criticism for its inherent white - washing).
He notes the irony that the Confederacy, in order to save republicanism as it had come to understand it, transformed its own government into a more vigorous and more comprehensive agent of control than Washington had ever been when it seemed to threaten so directly the liberties of South Carolina and its sister slaveholding states.
Yes — the good old days of the Confederacy!
But the Church's (primarily Irish) ethnic concerns, and its nervousness about its position in the old Confederacy and the border states, conspired to keep it from seizing the great evangelical opportunity presented by black freedmen during Reconstruction.
Nor was it shared by Abraham Lincoln, says Bloom, for Lincoln chose not to tolerate slavery even though by going to war against the Confederacy he was presenting the nation with the clear and present danger of a «bloody civil war.»
Mytilene was a member of the confederacy of free cities that Athens gradually transformed into an empire.
The Athenians were furious that in a time of war a member of the confederacy would turn against them.
There's no right to bear arms in the Articles of Confederacy which would be the founding document, written in 1777 and ratified in 1781.
The first black coach in a major conference in the Old Confederacy, Richardson needed every bit of belligerence to deal with the state's ingrained racism.
A big trawler that's made the trek from a harbor further south flies a confederate flag, even though 72,945 Mainers fought for the Union, and the confederacy attacked Portland Harbor.
«I didn't feel it was right when the flag came down,» Meadows, who has family members that fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War, said.
The Maryland flag, the very specific joining of the Calvert and Crossland arms, was never flown as a symbol of secession or the Confederacy.
But hey, what about that grandson or nephew or young cousin who's listening at pop - pop's knee, or who's playing with their toys on the floor as ole cousin Raymon» spouts off about «heritage and the Confederacy»...
Hmmm, except for a couple of outliers (Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Indiana and New Hampshire), they're concentrated in the deep South — basically, in the old Confederacy.
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