Sentences with phrase «aquinas as thinkers»

«I discovered that spending some extra moments in bed, centering myself toward the day, wasn't so much a habit as an essential way of being, and it made me much more productive as a thinker and writer,» she relates.
I'd think I'd be awfully glad to have him marry into the family just based on his personal characteristics, but as a thinker he's pretty bad.
Ray Dalio, whom I certainly respect as a thinker.
But attracted as I was to Peyre, both as a person and as a thinker, and convinced as I was that Sartre and Camus were asking all the right questions, still I couldn't help thinking that their answers lacked weight.
Allow this center in a man to remain dulled by the crowd; allow it to continue dissipated by busyness; permit it to go on evading its function by a round of distractions, or to lull itself by a carefully chosen rotation of pleasures; abandon it to its attempt to drug, to narcotize suffering and remorse which might reveal to it its true condition; let it wither away the sense of its own validity by false theories of man's nature, of his place in the social pattern, of his way of salvation; in short, allow any of these well - known forms of domestication of man's responsible core as an individual, to continue unchallenged, and you as a thinker and a friend of men have committed the supreme treason!
As a thinker Holmes was a great destroyer in the mold of Hume or Nietzsche, a tradition that continued in debased form in the century of Russell, Foucault, and Derrida.
Moreover, he admires Darwin greatly as a thinker, placing him at the top of his personal pantheon, along with Shakespeare, Purcell, Newton, and Hume.
Reinhold Niebuhr's output both as thinker and as activist was prodigious.
Lowe wrote his major work on Bergson's influence on Whitehead at a time (1949, right after Whitehead's death) when Whitehead's originality as a thinker was not taken for granted, as it is today.
These theologians consider Bonhoeffer as the thinker whose seminal thoughts have provided the basic inspiration for their own theological stand.
Indeed, their full meaning is likely to become more apparent in the future than at the time of the book's first appearance, as thinkers from other world traditions engage its arguments.
As a thinker he intrigued and inspired the world with his timely re ections and diagnosis about the change of society.
But they have not done well among those who are respected as thinkers and teachers of the Church.
He does not think systematically; indeed, the Old Testament prophet never sees himself as thinker at all, but rather as responder.
There is no reason to think that it is not still evolving (as some thinkers, such as Rudolf Steiner, maintain).
But it is when he turns to matters of art and aesthetics that Kramer's strengths as a thinker come most fully into play.
As an elderly man Cassian also wrote a theological work, «On the Incarnation of the Lord Against Nestorius,» but as a thinker he does not move in the company of the great theological minds of the early church» he is not an Augustine or an Athanasius.
For Royce, there is an Absolute, and our task as thinkers is to find our way to it.
The invocation of Hobbes and Aquinas as thinkers who employed an analogy of the body politic to the human body (or the human person) doesn't help matters, either.
As a thinker, he is fully in control, pursuing an intellectual agenda wholly his own — Bleich, not modern consciousness, is in the driver's seat.
As thinkers in moral philosophy such as Bernard Williams and Alisdair MacIntyre — upon whom Hauerwas draws extensively — contend, there is no Archimedean point, no tradition - independent perspective from which value judgments of the sort implied by Muray's charges of sexism, racism and anti-Judaism can be made.
I am a huge fan of the Tinkerlab Creative Challenges because they develop my children's confidence as thinkers and problem solvers.
As a thinker or learner?
Students have few reasons to invest themselves in their work and no reason to view learning as a collaborative act if they don't feel valued as individuals, as thinkers, and as creators.
«I believe that if you treat kids as the thinkers and learners they are, they will rise to the occasion.
If I don't allow learning to be messy, I eliminate authentic experiences for students as thinkers and creators.
How do we mold it so that it supports students» development as thinkers and individuals capable of deep understanding?
She has a clear vision and purpose - driven approach to all she does which, coupled with her talents as a thinker, will allow her to fundamentally improve the lives of young people,» says Senior Lecturer James Antony, program director of HEP.
Lesson study helps you «get into new habits as a thinker, and as an instructor,» Warner says.
This reliance on decades - old reporting conventions has in some ways been exacerbated by new technologies because a percentage or diagnostic score can be even more quickly calculated using digitized multiple - choice items that, though they may be «technologically enhanced,» still remain rooted in designs for a summative test rather than being designed formatively for students as thinkers.
African - American students no longer languished in the failing classrooms of White America's schools, but developed as thinkers and leaders in their own liberated space.
PAG 2 is addressing the question of who our students are becoming as thinkers and learners.
Teachers whose satisfaction is helping their students grow as thinkers by immersing them in reading and writing must be quiet.
This is exactly how I think gifted students should be developing their talents as thinkers and scientists.
With examples across grade levels and content areas and a checklist for reflection on the eight steps, this timely publication will show you how to meet high expectations with responsive instruction and help all your students grow as thinkers and problem solvers.
Our aim of focusing on SRL in preparing teachers to use contextual teaching is to help new teachers better understand themselves as thinkers so they can impart a metacognitive curriculum to students that is thought - provoking and stimulating.
The Common Core curriculum does harm to children in their early years in school because it limits their development as thinkers and learners.
Lisa Highfill describes herself as a thinker, philosopher, debater, and geek.
But, from 50 % to 100 % brain use every thought manifests as the thinker's reality.
I'm a writer by career and it's totally clear to me that considering that I began blogging, the quantity I compose has boosted significantly, my day - to - day communications with the sights of others have actually never been so frequent, the variety of voices I engage with is much higher compared to in the pre-Internet age — and all this has actually helped me end up being much more moderate as a thinker, more open to mistake, much less focused on just what I do understand, and a lot more considerate of exactly what I do not.
These big ideas from multiple disciplines, give you a tremendous edge as an investor and as a thinker.
So, I actually think what's really striking about Buffett on many levels is his profundity as a thinker about life not just about business.
As a thinker, Owens is self - reflexive, curious, and matter - of - fact.
But if the show is heedless of traditional beauty, it is also firm in its faith in artists as thinkers and makers rather than production - line workers meeting market demands.
I value that freedom enough to have added a disclaimer that basically disqualifies me as a thinker: «you should not believe in me».
The exhibition delves into aspects of the artist's life and production that have received insufficient attention to date: Haring as a thinker and facilitator, and his work as highly experimental and performative.
This exhibition traces a narrative of Schor's work since the early 90s to the present, from Semi-colon in a Flesh Comma (1994) which punctuates the text of the female body, and Undue — a section of War Frieze, her major 1991-1994 200 - running feet long multiple canvas work on militarism and aggression, painted in the aftermath of the first Gulf War but still as timely today — through representations of the nature of artmaking itself — the sign, the trace — to the empty thought balloon when grief has left the artist at a loss for words, to her most recent works schematically figuring the artist as thinker, reader, writer in an uncertain world.
Although Strachan was technically trained as a glass artist and a sculptor, according to artist Kantara Souffrant, «as a thinker and a cultural critic, he holds his own with great Caribbean scholars such as Édouard Glissant and Stuart Hall.
If you are unable to judge an argument on its intrinsic merits, then you can not expect to be taken seriously as a thinker, not to mention scientist.
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