Sentences with phrase «arab spring»

The killing of Osama bin Laden, the Arab Spring and transitions in Iraq and Afghanistan are just a few of the monumental world events that occurred during her four years of service.
When the Arab Spring happened last year, it was primarily due to people securely sending each other messages via BBM and encrypted emails.
While ridiculous relationship statuses and Twitter hashtags tend to rule our day to day social activity, no one can argue with the power social media had to push forward the Arab Spring or the news that JK Rowling was, in fact, actually the true identity of Robert Gilbraith.
The tying in of the Arab Spring made the story even more immediate.
The power of social media has already been linked to a number of worthwhile causes and intense change, such as Twitter's role in the Arab Spring.
Does important news like the Arab Spring or the US Congress» latest attacks on minorities and the poor, for example, really have the power to compete with Justin Bieber's mug shot?
The rise of social media has long been credited with the Arab Spring movement, and sites like Twitter have actually come under legal attack within countries like Turkey for their ability to connect individuals in ways that the government disapproved of.
We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.»
Earlier, Adbusters had emailed its subscribers saying, «America needs its own Tahrir,» in reference to the Arab Spring revolution that eventually brought down Egypt's dictator, Hosni Mubarak, in February 2011.
A searing debut novel from the award - winning author of You Know When the Men are Gone, about jealousy, the unpredictable path of friendship, and the secrets kept in marriage, all set within the U.S. expat community of the Middle East during the rise of the Arab Spring.
Bread affected the start of the French Revolution, and during the Arab Spring, there was a shortage of wheat.
Following on the inspiring events of Arab Spring, tens of thousands of Wisconsin teachers, public employees, and supporters surprised the nation with weeks of massive protests in the state capital.
Black spring (#blackspring)-- a spinoff of Arab Spring, a groundswell of protest in the Middle East — is change the criminal justice system.
Showing no self - awareness and little knowledge of her own field, geography teacher Tony Henson said of the walkouts from more than 100 Oklahoma school districts, «It's like the Arab spring, but it's a teacher spring.»
Category: Africa, Arabic, Asia, English, Global Partnership, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, NGO, North America, Refugee and displaced, Voluntary Association, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: Al Jazeera, Andrew Marshall, Arab Spring, Bahrain, BBC, blood relations, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Burma, Christian Science Monitor, citizen media, CNN, conflict, conflict - sensititve, Cyclone Nargis, Democractic Republic of Congo, democracy, democratized communications, digital technologies, diplomatic, Egypt, equality, facebook, Gaza, global audience, government, Haiti, hate - media, Hossam El - Hamalawy, human determination, Human Rights, international community, internet, Invisible Children, Iran, Israel, Johan Galtung, Joseph Kony, Journalist, Libya, Lisa Schirch, media management, MIlle Collines, Monica Curca, new media, New York Times, NGOs, Omar Al - Bashir, Pakistan, Palestine, Paul Kagame, peace, peace campaigns, peace factory, Peace for Sale, peace journalism, peace - promoting, Peacebuilding, propaganda, Rdatavox, Ronny Edry, Russia, Rwanda, Saidath Mukakibibi, Save Darfur, School Day of Non-violence and Peace, social change, social media, Somalia, South Africa, Syria, the Guardian, Tunisia, twitter, Uganda, USA, Yemen, YouTube
More recently in 2011, the Arab Spring often featured Arab leaders, blocking social media platforms or using state media to distort facts on the ground.
Category: Africa, End Poverty and Hunger, English, Environmental Sustainability, Gender Equality, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Interviews, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, NGO, Refugee and displaced, Transversal Studies, Voluntary Association, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: Africa, Africa Inspire, African Union, African youth, African Youth Movement, agriculture, Arab Spring, Aya Chebbi, Ban Ki - moon, Beijing Declaration, Cameroon, CIVICUS, Culture of Peace, DEEEP, Democratic Republic of Congo, Education, Egypt, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Environment and Sustainable Development, facebook, future, GCAP, Gender, Global Citizens Movement, global citizenship, global citizenship education, Governance and Transparency, Hillary Clinton, International Youth Day, Johannesburg, Journée Internationale de la Jeunesse, Kenya, Kenya's conscious transformation, Middle East, Pan-Africanism, Peace and Security, post-2015 Development Agenda, post-colonialism, Proudly Tunisian, Revolution of Dignity, social media, South Africa, Sustainable Development Goals, The Arab Awakening, Tunisia, Ubuntu, UN, UN Women, United Nations, Voice of Women Initiative, VOW, young people, Youth
JCR: I remember during your speech at the CIVICUS, Concord, DEEEP, and GCAP Forum in South Africa you said, «the Arab Spring was a media construct.
AC: I have been saying this since 2011, the «Arab Spring» is a Western narrative.
These new media have already demonstrated their power at a political level with the Arab spring and huge changes in political campaigning.
Digital Technologies have completely reshaped how we go about every aspect of our lives: • Financial: our jobs, online shopping and banking, automated trading • Social: email, mobiles, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Skype, blogs • Political: electronic voting, grassroots movements (Arab Spring) • Recreational: computer games, streaming video and music, augmented reality (Pokémon Go), fitness and activity monitoring (FitBit) • Educational: free access to information, web search (Google), collaborative resources (Wikipedia), online learning (Khan Academy) and MOOCs, learning analytics • Ethical: privacy and cyber security, data protection (Facebook, the census)
Starting with the Arab Spring and fight against Syria's Assad regime, through the brutal takeover by the Islamic State, a group of citizen journalists has been documenting life inside Raqqa under deadly circumstances.
Tagged With: Amina, Arab Spring, blogging, closure, Damascus, deception, documentary, EFF, Egypt, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Intifada, internet, internet security, Lebanon, LGBT, marriage equality, media, Middle East, Mossad, Online dating, Palestine, politics, same - sex marriage, Sandra Bagaria, Supreme Court, Syria, The Guardian, virtual relationships, Washington Post
This being a John Le Carré story, the air is full of suspense and intrigue from frame one, when we meet our hero during the eve of the Arab Spring in Cairo.
The wave of revolutionary protests known as the Arab Spring occurred relatively early in the history of social media, less than five years after Twitter — a key factor in popular uprisings in countries like Egypt and Tunisia — was launched in summer 2006.
The city of Raqqa, situated along the Euphrates River, was a hub for citizens seeking shelter from areas still under the control of Syrian President Bashar Al - Assad in the wake of the 2012 Arab Spring movement.
The trouble with «After the Battle» is that it feels like every idea and experience related to the Arab Spring in Egypt has been thrown into the one pot.
Director Leyla Bouzid's musical feature debut offers a nuanced portrait of the individual implications of the incipient Arab Spring.
Uprising (Unrated) Arab Spring documentary chronicling the 2011 overthrow of Hosni Mubarak «s repressive regime in Egypt.
It is 2011, the eve of the Arab Spring.
These volunteers (those profiled are all male) are ordinary people who felt compelled to become activists after the Arab Spring unleashed a rebellion against the tyrannical Assad government, causing a political vacuum that ISIS brutally exploited.
Of all the countries stirred toward freedom by the Arab Spring, Syria had perhaps the most tangled situation.
Synopsis: When well - known Syrian blogger Amina Arraf — purportedly kidnapped by local authorities during the Arab Spring — was revealed to be an elaborate ho... [MORE]
Set entirely within the confines of a police van, Clash dramatizes the ongoing political unrest in Egypt two years after the Arab Spring.
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Arab Dating Sites Jordan The sector was badly hit during the Arab Spring, as foreigners, especially from the EU and US, stayed away,» he added.
The sector was badly hit during the Arab Spring, as foreigners, especially from the EU and US, stayed away,» he added.
Tunisia has its first - ever female candidate for president, a sign of progress after the Arab Spring.
Much has been made of how technology such as Twitter helped to foster the Arab spring.
The meeting's participants also addressed social and political implications of global scientific challenges, including the impact of the Arab Spring movement and reverberations from Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Some people think there is no way that the online world can have an effect on real life; others argue that social media is so influential that the Arab Spring was catalyzed by networking sites, says James Fowler, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, who led the study in collaboration with Facebook's data - science team.
Just 3 years later, another spike in food prices contributed to the Arab Spring uprisings.
It has been hailed as the great tool of democracy, the force behind the Arab Spring — and the London riots.
In the early days of Egypt's Arab Spring uprising, the government of Hosni Mubarak attempted to shut down the country's Internet in order to cripple protesters» ability to organize; it did this by ordering the state - controlled Internet Service Provider (ISP), which grants Internet access to customers, to cut service.
Among its other findings, the study sheds light on the much - discussed relationship between social media and the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011.
The paper, «The Power of the Street: Evidence from Egypt's Arab Spring,» is forthcoming in print form by the Review of Financial Studies and currently appears in advance online form.
The findings, in «The Power of the Street: Evidence from Egypt's Arab Spring,» a working paper, suggest that protests may disrupt the «pipeline» of privileges and unearned income that flow to politically favored companies, without redistributing those privileges to firms connected to rivals of the regime in power.
Internet blocks became increasingly sophisticated and less easy to detect as the Arab Spring progressed.
Scientist of the Arab Spring: At Caltech, Ahmed Zewail is a world - class chemist.
The event smacked of the Arab Spring, when authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and northern Africa fell to rebellions that were in part inspired by social media.
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