Sentences with phrase «archaea deep»

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She describes her project as studying hyperthermophilic archaea, the living occupants of deep - sea hydrothermal vents that survive in extreme heat, pressure, and chemical toxicity.
Recent findings emphasize the importance of investigating members of the archaeal domain of life in order to obtain a more comprehensive view of microbial ecology, symbiosis, and metabolic interdependencies involving archaeal partners, and of evolution of life on Earth in regard to the deep roots of archaea as well as our microbial ancestry.
Bacteria and archaea — collectively known as prokaryotes — live pretty much everywhere, dividing happily in places from stomach acid to deep - sea vents.
Why two types of single - celled organism that form the deepest branch on the tree of life — bacteria and archaea — have completely different cell membranes
The team modelled how the membrane changed, enabling LUCA's descendants to move to new, more challenging environments and evolve into two distinct types of single - celled organism, bacteria and archaea, creating the deepest branch of the tree of life.
Recent evidences suggest that the deep ocean contains active and highly diverse bacteria, as well as archaea, protists, viruses and zooplankton.»
Many strange creatures live in the deep sea, but few are odder than archaea, primitive single - celled bacteria - like microorganisms.
The archaea, single - celled organisms confused with bacteria until Dr. Woese's discovery, are of interest to biologists studying the origin of life because they have certain primitive features and a liking for extreme environments, like the boiling springs of Yellowstone National Park and the superheated waters that swirl from deep - sea volcanoes.
Deep - sea methane seeps provide a model habitat to study these cross-domain trophic interactions due to their high density of Bacteria, Archaea and Metazoans.
Specific enrichment of hyperthermophilic electroactive Archaea from deep - sea hydrothermal vent on electrically conductive support — Guillaume Pillot — Bioresource Technology
This study sheds new light onto archaeal genome evolution, the deep roots of archaea and the phylogenetic placement of DPANN.
These archaea were first discovered in 3 - kilometer deep gold mines in South - Africa, and were later found to be cosmopolitan microbes that thrive in the subsurface biosphere.
These archaea were first discovered in 3 - kilometer deep gold mines in South - Africa,
While Price is not expecting any time soon a mission to Mars to drill several hundred meters beneath the surface, methanogens (methane - generating Archaea) could just as easily be detected around meteor craters where rock has been thrown up from deep underground.
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