Sentences with phrase «arguing over the beliefs»

I suppose you are right, the fact that I continue to respond is in direct opposition to my premise that» Arguing over the beliefs of atheists is just useless».

Not exact matches

That said, he noted: «In the grand scheme of things, if we have a belief that this could be the next $ 400 - billion company, arguing over a pre-money valuation of $ 1.8 billion or $ 1.9 billion isn't really that relevant to us.»
My guess is that it will be a difficult case to argue against the impact of the contraceptive coverage rule as anything but an «incidental effect» given it targets a market and there's no evidence that the rule is over or under inclusively fashioned as a pretext to target the religious beliefs of those opposed to contraception.
Neither the believers nor the nonbelievers can prove their belief so why argue and fight over something that can not be resolved until we all die and then nothing happens?
It's sad to see how we, as people, argue with each other over who owns the truth, while our reilious leaders sit back and laugh... Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Budda all said that we should respect each other, and yet, we are all here saying who is right and who is not... I believe that we should stop using Religion as an excuse to force our own beliefs upon other people... Druids are offically a Religion, simply a different way to believe in God's work, in my opinion... good for them... oh..
you guys are going to all end up like the palestinians and the israelites if you keep arguing over eachothers beliefs.
Ask the owner to do this instead of a mosque just for one religions culture.How a community of Americans with different ideas and religions can come together and voice their beliefs and why it is so.Support America its time we all get together on one page.Stop the hatreds and misunderstandings of one another.This would be not only a great time for it but a place such as a United Understanding of Religions building could surface.Now that would be a great way of continuing on after 9 - 11or... we can fight argue and fuss over things we understand not, with no one stepping up to find common ground.Which is it going to be?Hate or understanding?You have the moment, seize it for humanity.Not just one peoples.
just leave the debate to scholars, you're not convincing people over the internet that you're right... it's not worth arguing... it just makes you look hateful... so... seriously folks like «colin» or «willie» or «laughing» if you're so sure in your beliefs..
If we can take this document: as a reasonable discussion of Zeitgeist's beliefs you'll notice in the section «The «Prima Facie» Fallacy» that this particular branch of Zeitgeist argues directly for a technocratic and anti-democratic control over production; as opposed to the humanism that the collective author claims to see in Marxist communism.
It is more interesting and comforting to know that for now, we are; we exist; we argue over ridiculous beliefs.
His belief in women's abilities carried over when he hired staff, even though critics of women's higher education argued that women «originate almost nothing, so that human knowledge is not advanced by their work.»
I prefer not to argue over petty shit and beliefs.
The courage to build relationships and trust even when people are questioning, arguing (even yelling at you), the courage to ask others to change practices, their beliefs and try new things (despite years of experience behind them) and the courage and patience to have very exhausting, confusing and difficult days only to go back to work and start over each and every morning; one conversation at a time, one priority at a time and all the time building your own confidence.
In fact, few would argue with the notion that courts have a general duty to make court records accessible to the public, a point that the Supreme court has made abundantly clear over the last few decades, and that is intimately linked to our fundamental «freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication».
Personality researchers have long argued that personality traits are flexible and dynamic4 — we all have broad level traits like extraversion that are expressed across most situations, but our everyday experiences and beliefs can change who we are as people over time.
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