Sentences with phrase «as holloway»

24 and Devil actor Logan Marshall - Green has reportedly been cast as Holloway, a crew member on the ship who is also a love interest for star Noomi Rapace's Elizabeth Shaw.
I don't think Max has as much of a chance as Tony did at beating Khabib, but you can never rule out someone as tough as holloway.
As Holloway himself frequently said, theology is no arid discipline, but a meditation and contemplation of the fullness of the Mystery of God revealed most fully in Jesus Christ and living among us in the Church.
This corrosion of faith can be answered and reversed but in order to do so we must, as Holloway says, realise «the need for personal prayer, penance, humility, and union with God by meditation and mystical communion,» [10] so that thereby the Word of God will be manifested in our world not as «the breath of any imaginary pale Galilean, but the splendour and dynamism of God in the power of the Spirit,» Jesus Christ «the bringer in of the enormous vision that is splendid, the majesty of the Intellect of God and of Man, the fullness of the Kingdom on Earth which God has made for Man, and can bring to consummation only in and through His creature, Man.»
However, as Holloway acknowledges in passing, Machiavelli is hardly alone.
But it does mean that there are times when no candidate is suitable; to discount this possibility, as Holloway does, is to neuter the prophetic — and sometimes costly — nature of Christian public witness.
As Holloway states: «The real distinction between matter and spirit... is a key concept to the right understanding of the evolution of forms and of their history.»
Given that love is a spiritual act it must involve, as Holloway put it, the «spiritual soul drawpng] the body with it in a common consent of matter and spirit».
As Holloway puts it, «It involves also «I», «myself and again «myself in a threefold and different relativity, and in doing this it realises «me» as me, itdoes not disintegrate but manifests the unity of my person.»
The deeper understanding of the physical realm offered by modern science has confirmed this insight and, as Holloway argued, deepened it.
As Holloway puts it:
[7] As Holloway continues, «[b] ehind the claims made for evolution of all matter, including life and mankind, was the urgent prescience of a majestic, sweeping concept which one day would be proved to have worked in and through all departments of being».
We can not dwell here on the unique, spiritual nature of man as Holloway demonstrates in his work.
If it is true, as Holloway argues, that the very foundations of matter and the identity of human nature are aligned upon the coming of the Word made flesh, then a society which is uncertain about the existence of God and whether Man has any meaning or purpose must be subject to crisis, alienation and chaos even more inevitably than CiV is able to show.

Not exact matches

All you need to pull off Scully is a fake clip - on FBI badge, a wig (unless you're a natural redhead, in which case the internet totally agrees you should just go as Joan Holloway from Mad Men) and a serious pout.
Another coauthor of the study, Dr. Howard Falcon - Lang of the Royal Holloway University of London, noted in the release that although the juvenile shark teeth were found in the fecal matter of adults, there is still some question as to why.
Many have pointed out (most recently, Carson Holloway) that the application of natural law to our situation requires the virtue of prudence, a mastery of the details of our circumstances (such as is possible for a human being), with the goals and the weights given to particular considerations by good moral character (or, if you will, a well - formed conscience).
Arguably Holloway is doing no more than drawing out the implications of St. Paul's claim that in Christ God has «made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of his will, according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fulness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.»
The theology and philosophy of Edward Holloway stands alone as a contemporary synthesis which on the one hand rejects any dialectical tension at the heart of being and at the same time upholds the real distinction between matter and spirit.
However, as a philosopher of science his ideas bear a remarkable resemblance to those expounded by Fr Holloway.
Holloway is clearly concerned that what is handed is a living, personal relationship as well as a series of propositional truths.
Holloway argues «The aspiration of human knowledge is to attain as closely as possible to the unity of the wisdom of God.»
As in Holloway's image, when building a cathedral one storey can only be built upon the preceding one.
(PK, 385 emphasis original) Fr Holloway makes the same point as follows: «Environment may favour or may destroy the life mechanism... but an intrinsic modification of pattern - of - being from the invisible cell to the primates is something quite beyond that.»
(Edward Holloway, Catholicism: A New Synthesis, 1) As we begin 2018, the sense of tension in the international order is strong.
As noted above Holloway stressed that «the full, orthodox doctrine of Christ» is quite simply the condition of possibility of any new synthesis.
Holloway considerably enhances and develops the patristic perspective about the flesh as the «hinge of salvation» with his vision of the evolution of matter poised and framed from its beginning as a unity which culminates in the Incarnation of God.
Last Saturday was the 100th anniversary of Agnes Holloway giving birth to Edward.He was born just as Lenin's revolution began.
As ever, we see that, in Agnes Holloway's phrase, Christ is the Master - Key unlocking the meaning of the universe.
It should be said that while Holloway did not, as far as I can discover, reflect upon the relationship between the ordained priesthood and the priesthood of the faithful, he had a high view of the lay apostolate of the baptised.
For this reason Holloway frequently defines the essence of the priest as the one who presides and has power over the Body and Blood of the Lord.
We are made as human beings for Christ, according to Holloway; but even the fact of being male or being female was made for Him.
[1] Perhaps in this context it could be mentioned that Fr Holloway was of the opinion that as the priest would naturally face the people while celebrating at least six of the sacraments, for he stands in for Christ, so it is preferable for the priest to celebrate the Eucharist facing the people.
But before expressing this belief, Fr Holloway makes a general remark about the nature of scientific knowledge which may serve as an introduction to Polanyi's refutation of Scientific Positivism and his proposal that science is Personal Knowledge: «It is most significant that here, as so very often in the discoveries of science, it was not the inductive data which was the real beginning of the breakthrough in knowledge, but a deductive vision glimpsed through scanty data which thrilled and excited the mind... from then on the hunt is up for the clues and the final proof.»
As ever in Holloway's thought, the key is the Incarnation itself.
The ideological colonisation of Europe by relativism, predicted by Agnes Holloway, was described by Holloway as the end of the Reformation era.
Though acknowledging significant divergences between the Thomist schools and Holloway's thought, the editorial argued that Holloway had remained faithful to both the intentions of the Magisterium, which looks to St. Thomas as the theologian and philosopher par excellence, and to the essence of St. Thomas» project because he had attempted to synthesise theology with the scientific culture of his day.
Fr Edward Holloway certainly saw marriage, and the nature of Man as male and female, as more than some accident of evolution.
In the first draft of Catholicism, now published thanks to Fr Nesbitt as Matter and Mind, we find a fuller discussion than Catholicism offers of Fr Holloway's view of this philosophical movement and its challenge to Christian belief.
In the paragraph above Polanyi seems to regard human consciousness as simply the product of the evolutionary process whereas its terminus ad quem for Fr Holloway is the primates.
Holloway, «Slim» to most of his friends, spent his whole life in pastoral work but also managed, despite many obstacles and difficulties, to single - mindedly leave a far - sighted and remarkable theological and philosophical legacy for this millennium, surely the millennium of the harmony of Science and Religion, in which Christ is seen as the Master of both.
As Fr Holloway, the co-founder of Faith movement, would often remark, «Truth without love is cold and heartless, but love without truth is blind and diffuse.»
This «one magnificent sweep of creation», to use Holloway's words, re-founds and renews the Church's theology of creation as well as filling out our insight into the very identity of Jesus Christ.
For Holloway, the Eucharist not only feeds the personal love of God as a living experience, it also engenders love and care for others in the measure that we are conformed to the personality of Christ whom we have received.
Sex in the Plan of Creation Holloway, in keeping with the Scotist vision of the Incarnation promoted by this magazine, argues not simply that the coming of Christ was part of the plan of creation but that the division of the sexes was planned as the means by which the Incarnation would be possible: «God did not fashion sex «for loving» but that the Incarnation might be the gift of creation from the potential of its own resources for the enfleshing of God».
Holloway «sargumentation, however, is more technical: He argues that love is spiritual and is «made» «through the spiritual soul» «not through the body as [the] principle of eliciting», [3] and the body is not apt to be the cause of spiritual union per se.
For Holloway it is not a question of theoretical speculation, but of filling out our understanding of the majesty and meaning of our Lord Jesus Christ as the «Master Key» who unlocks the meaning of all orders of creation, material as well as spiritual.
Holloway considers this point quite directly and says that before the Fall, a couple would have had sexual intercourse as «an act of religion [by its reference to God] as well as an act of love [by its desire to share in God's creative work]».
Holloway often emphasised, too, how all our loves, concerns and charitable efforts are brought back to the Eucharist as an offering to the Father through the hands of the priest, to be united, to be purified and perfected in Christ.
As has been noted, Holloway argues that a proper appreciation of how sex should be used needs to bear in mind the fact that our present experience of it is coloured by concupiscence.
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