Sentences with phrase «as fearmongering»

And if you know of anyone who just can't manage the text (admittedly not Dan - Brownian, but nowhere nearly as difficult as fearmongering would have it) there's always Ulysses for Dummies, which sets it out one cartoon per chapter.
2) In spite of the title of this email, I'm well aware — as are those who read this blog — that global warming alarmists have been exposed as fearmongering chicken little liars (not to mention hypocrites) for decades, but rarely has it been on a level where you actually have «scientists» and their associates caught on paper attempting to suppress data that is contra to their pre-desired result.
Airbnb plans to oppose the legislation, which the company's head of Northeast policy Josh Meltzer described as a fearmongering tactic.
Stymied on his top immigration initiatives, Trump is making good on one plan that critics denounce as fearmongering and misleading: opening an office for victims of crimes committed by immigrants, although studies show immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native - born citizens.

Not exact matches

It helped an anti-immigrant group learn the best way to target its fearmongering ads, and then used those ads as a case study to test the effectiveness of a new ad format.
If more of my fellow «evangelicals» would do the same and stop using the label as an excuse for hatemongering and fearmongering, maybe this country would be a better place.
And they are deleted / banned from certain other sites as «fearmongering
And Rep. Kathleen Rice (D - Garden City) decried it as «fearmongering
With polls tightening as Brits wake up to our powerlessness on soaring immigration figures, Cameron and Osborne are resorting to increasingly fanatical fearmongering.
Trouble is, most people don't feel well equipped with facts, leaving a vacuum that is filled with endless spin and fearmongering, as we have seen so far in this campaign.
In recent times, there is a lot of fearmongering over carbohydrate as a food source.
It's a transfixing, mournful and tragic love story, a cautionary tale against the scope of fearmongering propaganda and an aching parable of resignation we all tend to feel as we age.
As for the alleged irrefutable evidence that people caused the last century's CO2 increase, the «smoking gun» invoked by one of my critics, Dr. Michael Mann, and his fellow fearmongers at, the claim is based on the idea that the normal ratio of heavy to light carbon — that is, the carbon - 13 isotope to the lighter carbon - 12 isotope, is roughly 1 to 90 in the atmosphere, but in plants there's a 2 percent lower C13 / C12 ratio.
A recent video posted by Stonyfield Organic makes the connection between anti-GMO fearmongering and buying organic explicit, as the screen capture shows.
JC had a thread on that not too long ago — i.e., Leftists global warming fearmongers are on the level of «meta - ignorance» of all unconscious incompetents who refuse to even consider the possibility of error, as follows:
If you are going to look to natural factors you realize that global warming fearmongers are «spitting in the wind,» as in, «You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide,» and, «If the atmosphere was a 100 - story building, our anthropogenic CO2 contribution today would be equivalent to the linoleum on the first floor,» as follows:
Of course, despite the contrary findings of this study, the article reminds readers that hypothetical fearmongering from computer simulations is still acceptable, such as:
I am not a fearmonger, but let's not forget that as such we are leaving our digital signatures in the websphere to eventually pay for it!
It is time to stop the fearmongering on this topic within the media as well as the real estate community and lay down the truth!
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