Sentences with phrase «as giant chunks»

As giant chunks of Indonesia's forests are destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations, the government and the businesses that operate in Indonesia need to move as fast as possible to sustainable production methods, as well as make sure that rights over the forest are legally and transparently established.
A crowd gathered, the charges were blown, and then everyone ran as giant chunks of blubber rained from the sky and crushed the Oldsmobile 88 of Walter Umenhoefer, who became known as «the blubber victim» forevermore, to his annoyance.

Not exact matches

The wholesale supplier has lost a huge chunk of its stock market value as it battles the grocery giants.
There are thousands of companies competing for the same customers, not to mention the giants such as Amazon, Target, and Zappos who already have a chunk of the space fully covered.
I actually used the same GIANT zucchini from the garden as did in my Zucchini Chocolate Chunk Breakfast Cookies and I still have a ton left.
Thus, «giant chunks of space debris clobbering the planet and wiping out life on Earth has undeniably broad appeal,» Meltzer says, whereas «no one in Hollywood makes movies» about more nuanced explanations, such as Clovis points disappearing because early Americans turned to other forms of stone tool technology as the large mammals they were hunting went extinct as a result of the changing climate or hunting pressure.
They include the detachment of a 1,300 - square - mile chunk from the Larsen B ice shelf, the disintegration of giant ice shelves in the Prince Gustav Channel and the Larsen Inlet, and the disappearance of ice shelves known as Jones, Larsen A, Muller and Wordie.
You will find giant chunks of time slipping away as you sit in front of the computer, clicking away.
► An astronaut removes six large canisters of genetic research materials from a drifting space station with lights flashing and sirens blaring; a giant spiny rat chases her and pounds on the escape hatch window with paws and tentacles, cracking it (we can not see its face) as the escape pod launches and we see the space station explode into fireballs that fill the screen and soon after we see the cracked pod hatch window break apart and the pod explodes into chunks of flaming debris (the astronaut is certainly dead although we do not see her after the explosion).
As any Attack on Titan fan knows, the easiest way to bring down a giant is to cut out a chunk of the spinal column from its neck.
From the tutorial to the giant T - Rex's neon colors, Blood Dragon was an amazing experience that can be had for $ 15 as a downloadable chunk of epicness that has to be experienced by shooter fans.
Watch as the quest to take down a new giant monster called Anjanath begins in the 23 - minute chunk of footage after the jump.
I'm probably not going to do a good job of explaining this, but the boss fights of Skies of Arcadia really make that one of the best games I've ever played, and it everything to do with keeping a stellar cast of bad guy characters that weren't gone / killed after one fight, but were consistently around a good chunk of the narrative, so not only could they build character off of each successive meeting, but it helped you strategize your giant airship battles against them as you started to learn their fighting style (and of course the game would then use that to try and one - up you).
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