Sentences with phrase «as humans burn»

In a world rapidly warming as humans burn ever more fossil fuels, to add ever more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, researchers expect to observe an increase in the volume of meltwater on the south polar surface.
As humans burn fossil fuels, adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, globally average temperature rises as a result.
The permafrost is a vast reservoir of ancient carbon, protected from decay by microorganisms simply by its frozen state: it becomes increasingly vulnerable as the world warms, as humans burn fossil fuels and dump ever greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
They found that, as humans burn ever more fossil fuels to release ever higher levels of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, to stoke yet further global warming and trigger catastrophic climate change, all 571 cities will experience ever greater heatwaves: that is, three consecutive days and nights at which temperatures are about as high as they have ever been for that city.
as humans burn fossil fuels and dump ever greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
They looked at the potential long - term consequences of oceans ever richer in dissolved carbon dioxide, as humans burn ever more fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases that continue to warm the atmosphere.

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«Fast growers can lead exciting lives, and then they burn out, just as humans can.
It is as if Benedict is bringing back into play the long - neglected lessons of St. Augustine to Catholic Social Thought — re-presenting, as it were, The City of God — that is, the City of that caritas which the Divine Persons gratuitously pour into the human heart, that it might cast the burning desire for human unity into the kindling of hundreds of millions of parched hearts.
It seems to me they have much bigger fish to fry like: The Taliban treating women as less than human, stoning people to death, 60 year old men marrying teenage girls, cutting off an 18 year old girl's nose because she left her abusive husband (see TIME magazine a month ago), destroying over 125 schools because girls attend, suicidal Islamic fanatical cowards on every continent killing thousands of INNOCENT people, and these clowns are worried about their precious Koran being burned by a nutjob.
People burned as witches, blacks lynched by Christians in this county, people killed in human sacrifices, servants killed to accompany pharaohs on their journeys to the afterlife, untold numbers of people killed in various cultures because they were deemed to have offended God in some way, and so on.
I think that the references to hell are talking about the practice that was once used of sacrificing humans by burning them, and if we were evil we might suffer the same fate as those human sacrifices
No human child and friend of His will ever «burn» or be so miserable as you state above.
We human beings far too often tend to codify God, to feel that we know where he is and where he is not, and this arrogance leads to such things as the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch burnings, and has the result of further fragmenting an already broken Christendom.
These texts were intentionally mostly burned, as they presented a more, human, even laughing Jesus, and were seen as a threat.
As William Rowe points out, when a fawn burns to death in a forest fire and no human being ever knows about it, this apparently unnecessary evil does nothing to build the character of human beings.
The freedom of the prophets comes from the word of God burning in their bones, just as Paul says that when we are «in Christ,» we no longer see anything from «a human point of view.»
You know, we who CHOOSE to believe in REALITY and who choose a morality based upon HUMAN love, compassion, mindful awareness, and LOGIC as opposed to a salvation - based transactional morality - exchange entered into with a petty, arrogant, childish, vengeful, MYTHOLOGICAL «Sky Father» in the hopes that, should we live a «good» life according to «His» contradictory, hypocritical, and inconsistent «rules» (or Commandments, or whatever you enjoy calling them) or else spend «Eternity» burning in everlasting torment in «Hell» you know, because «God» loves us so much.
As the human population grows and farmers invade the forests with slash - and - burn methods to find fertile soil to raise cotton and corn, they run into a big problem: hungry elephants who love to raid their fields and gobble down the crops.
Capsaicin only inflames human cells because heat - detecting proteins in our nerve endings called TRPV1 receptors become activated in the chemical's presence, mistakenly interpreting capsaicin as a sign of extreme heat, and sending the body's burn defenses into overdrive.
If that's difficult to envision, get this: Trinidad Moruga Scorpion peppers contain about as much capsaicin — the chemical compound in peppers that makes them burn by activating heat receptors in human nerve endings — as a shot glass full of law enforcement - grade pepper spray.
Well, that's because the Supreme Court doesn't much like it, determining more than 100 years ago that polygamy was «an offence against society» (Reynolds v. U.S.) and compared it to «murders sanctified by religious belief, such as human sacrifice or the burning of women on their husbands» funeral pyres,» or so writes lawyer and social critic Wendy Kaminer.
The typical Nigerian personality is open to a burning desire to view a white human being as fully positive in nature and precious in appearance followed by a sense of negativity to his or her own blackness.
Now, research suggests that for the past decade, such stratospheric aerosols — injected into the atmosphere by either recent volcanic eruptions or human activities such as coal burning — are slowing down global warming.
Human activities, such as industrial production, transport, power generation, and wood burning emit large amounts of tiny pollutant particles containing, for example, soot and sulfate, into the atmosphere.
Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities such as burning of fossil fuels such as coal.
Now the residue from all the oil and coal burned to power modern civilization may provide the best marker for the start of a new geologic epoch that highlights Homo sapiens's world - changing impact, known as the Anthropocene, or «new age of humans
If the findings hold true in humans, rapamycin could provide considerable benefits to spinal cord injury patients, up to 80 percent of whom experience clinically significant pain that is described as burning, stabbing, and electric shock - like.
The researchers are now examining whether CK2 - inhibitors can effectively reduce obesity as well as prevent it, and whether they can be used alongside next - generation drugs that mimic the effects of cold to trigger brown fat to burn energy in humans.
Human activities are emitting around 10.5 billion tonnes of carbon annually and rising, mostly as a result of burning fossil fuels.
And that makes controlling O3 pollution from fossil fuel burning as important for climate change as it is for human and plant health.
Over the last few centuries, the ocean has absorbed huge amounts of the carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels.
Over the past 250 years, human activities such as fossil fuel burning have raised the atmospheric CO2 concentration by more than 40 % over its preindustrial level of 280 ppm (parts per million).
But the humans didn't reward the birds for their help; in seven observations, they even went so far as to burn or bury the honeycomb, telling the researchers that they wanted to keep the birds «hungry» so the avian helpers would guide them to more hives.
Kyoto regulates all sources of carbon dioxide as well as other greenhouse gases, but reliable long - term data by country are available only for carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels (which accounts for about two - thirds of the human contribution to global warming).
«I agree that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, that greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are increasing as a result of human activities — primarily burning coal, oil, and natural gas — and that this means the global mean temperature is likely to rise,» Ebell said in the statement released by CEI yesterday.
As a result, an orangutan running through the forest burns anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories less than a human sitting in front of a TV.
Whereas forest fires contribute to the problem — the effect noticeably worsens in years with widespread boreal wildfires — roughly 80 percent of polar soot can be traced to human burning, adding as much as 0.054 watt of energy per square meter of Arctic land, according to the research published this week in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
As a first step, they have created a novel animal model that replicates the response of human skin to severe burns, skin grafts and laser therapy.
Also in this issue, we take a trip to Harvard's brain bank where thousands of specimens are waiting to be studied, and we take on a burning question of human evolution: If our brains our shrinking, are we more efficient, or just not as bright?
Though people had been present for thousands of years in the area that was to become the park, native American practices of hunting and planned burning were anathema to a view of nature as sacrosanct from human involvement.
There is hope, however, as CO2 from burning fossil fuels and other human activities appears to have leveled off in 2015 at roughly 40 billion metric tons of CO2 liberated into the atmosphere.
Another human - caused culprit is biomass burning, as herders burn land to stimulate grass growth, and farmers burn the landscape to convert terrain into farming land and to get rid of unwanted biomass after the harvest season.
In yet another application of human medicine in veterinary care, the team has treated Northstar with gabapentin (sold under the brand name Neurontin), a medication used for neuropathic pain in humans, to treat the severe itching and nerve - related pain that is typical in burn patients as they recover.
Past studies done with pig carcasses and human corpses revealed that when a body is burned on a pyre, the fat serves as fuel, but it doesn't provide enough heat to burn up all of the organic matter, Torero says.
Even though large amounts are released into the air by human activities such as coal burning, smelting, mining and waste incineration, mercury also occurs naturally in the environment, where it undergoes a complex chemical cycle.
Over a long enough period of time, the increased carbon burial could help offset a small fraction of carbon emitted by human activities such as fossil fuel burning, says study coauthor Antje
To produce THS, the researchers exposed common household fabrics such as curtain material, upholstery, and carpet to secondhand smoke (smoke that is exhaled and that leaves a burning cigarette) that was generated in the lab by a smoking machine devised to mimic the behavior of human smokers.
The increasing frequency and area burned by large fires is linked to human - caused climate change as well as other environmental changes.
The outcome depends on how much more carbon dioxide, a main greenhouse gas, human activities (such as burning coal and oil) dump into the atmosphere.
As such the paper serves as a complement, rather than an alternative, to other methods of attributing climatic change to human activity (fossil fuel burningAs such the paper serves as a complement, rather than an alternative, to other methods of attributing climatic change to human activity (fossil fuel burningas a complement, rather than an alternative, to other methods of attributing climatic change to human activity (fossil fuel burning).
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