Sentences with phrase «as if the world»

It's as if the world is asking: «Tim, can Apple keep innovating without Steve Jobs?»
If your boss acts as if the world is coming to an end, that spawns fear throughout the office and hurts your concentration.
I can laugh about it now, but when you're dealing with a client who is not ideal, it's as if the world is falling around you.
Religious folk often act as if the world would be filled with depravity if religion didn't exist, but the most important moral truths are universal — that's why they are found in the teachings of classical antiquity, Confucianism, Buddhism, etc..
Given that we are rich when the world is poor, that we cling to our nuclear arms as if world extermination were a noble risk, destroy ancient forests, gouge the landscape, pollute the soil, water and air, that we copulate and abort with unrestrained abandon — how then are we to interpret Jesus» words, «It is what comes out of a person that defiles,» so as to come up smelling like roses?
Others, process theologians for example, may say that God does not assign the world its value, as if the world would not have value otherwise, but rather that God recognizes the world's value, and invites us, who are part of this world, to do the same.
We all live as if the world revolves around us.
To live at all is to affirm the value of living (even the act of suicide affirms the value of human action and of human life); similarly every animal acts as if the world were orderly.
Just as if the world and its history had existed merely for our sakes!
It feels as if the world is burning down and we feel powerless to help and so we grieve and we get angry and we post things on Facebook, we march and we protest and we gather and we tell politicians what the problem really is, we watch the news and we cry and yell about things and then we look around our daily lives and wonder, am I doing enough to fix it?
At times it is as if the world of Pope John Paul II, and the new Catechism had never occurred.
But global rejections — as if the world should have no establishments of any kind?
To act as if the world can not get along without our work for one day in seven is a startling display of pride that denies the sufficiency of our generous Maker.
First, Whitehead's writings are remarkably free of references to «all - possible worlds» as if each world were fully determinate, lacking only the addition of «existence.»
It seems as if the world is not one body, regardless of how the sages would like to see it; if this were not so there would be no need for effort; on this interpretation, reality simply has not measured up to the ideal.
The task of Christian educators is not to develop an individual's potential (as if the world were not already developing all sorts of potentials in us), but rather to induct us into the faith community, to give us the skills, insights, words, stories and rituals that we need to live this faith in a world that neither knows nor follows the One who is truth.
Childishness is when people are irresponsible and behave as if the world revolves around them.
Perhaps we should live as if the World will end tomorrow.
Living as if the World will, indeed, end on May 21st or even December 12th, 2012 may be deceitful.
At the age of 21, it feels as if the world is at your feet.
When a goalkeeper makes a mistake it feels as if their world has come crashing down all at once, in the FA Cup semi-final on Saturday evening with the scores locked at 1 - 1 in extra-time Reading keeper Adam Federici allowed a Alexis Sanchez effort to squeeze underneath his body and into the net.
He was one of those rare people you meet who never seem to get angry or rattled, never sulk or carry on as if the world is doing a number on them.
As if the world and his dreams had fallen into line for a brief moment.
You could hear a cracking sound last week, as if the world's largest tree had just been split down the middle by lightning.
By Alex Temblador With the recent attack from One Million Moms (an anti-gay «family» group) on trans teen, Jazz Jennings, it can sometimes feel as if the world is going backwards: adults attacking children?
As if the world will fall apart without the woman present.
«But it will only be done if we carry on the process of change... just like everything else in the 21st century, the NHS can not carry on as if the world was still as it was decades ago.»
Because let's be honest; I'll be shoving my face as if the world were to end the next day.
As if the world around me turns into a ballroom, and Mr. Darcy has caught my eye across the room in a silent request to dance.
She is no longer alone, and for the first time she feels as if her world is open to possibilities.
Master cinematographer Caleb Deschanel («The Right Stuff,» «The Passion of the Christ») uses an unnatural amount of light inside that home on wheels, almost as if the world is too bright for these dark characters.
It's undeniably exciting to see so many different superheroes occupy the same space; many iconic characters now work together (along with a few forgettable, masked faces), when before they seemed as if worlds apart.
It seems as if the world should stop, but it doesn't.
Shifting from match to match and slipping from one white void to the next is dreary, as if the world of Metal Gear and all the associated soul has been vacuumed up.
Upon his first entrance into the Coconut Club, the lights gradually illuminate around him, as if the world were opening up before him, and with his ambition, it does.
LOVE THE COOPERS As if the world didn't already have enough rancid comedies set during the holidays (including Jingle All the Way, Deck the Halls and all - time champ Christmas with the Kranks), here's one more seasonal atrocity to add to the coal bin.
How many apocalyptic sci - fi action extravaganzas leave you feeling as if the world is just beginning?»
The side pipes — inches away — spit and cackled and roared as if the world owed them money.
For all intents, it was as if the world around her had ceased to exist, leaving her alone in the quiet nothingness.
They crawled on their stalk legs around the curved perimeters of the glass as if the world had shrunk to that jar.
It was the the movies, the conversations, the walks through the small town, the nights on the beach with the waves rolling in, the way I could hold her hand and feel as if the world had simply melted away and we were all that was left.
As if the world of student loans wasn't confusing enough, we just got one more.
When somebody is working a cash register and accidentally types in the wrong amount when cashing out a customer, it's as if the world came to an end.
The short demo made you feel as if the world was truly coming to an end.
Oh, and it does seem that whenever you fast travel to a new location, the nearby traffic has its equivalent of a cat's golden hour: horses race past at double speed and often plough into walls before trotting off, as if the world was unprepared for your arrival.)
As if the world of Battlefield wasn't already large enough.
As if World War I and the brutality of trench warfare weren't scary enough, Ad Infinitum adds in some Lovecraftian horror to the mix.
But it is almost as if the world had to wait for the right moment for Griffa's oeuvre to truly show its nature.
Two «mini art fairs,» Salon Zürcher in a gallery space in Noho and Satellite in Chelsea, amount to nothing more than small, unfocused group shows, as if the world needed yet another.
It's as if the world is drifting simultaneously towards abstraction and dissipation.
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