Sentences with phrase «as more teachers»

For instance, as more teachers become comfortable with technology, are they more willing to join online communities?
As more teachers participate in this experience, we are building a shared repository for units, lessons, and resources across the district that staff can access and search.
Teaching alternatives: As more teachers retire and fewer are graduating from education schools, some districts that struggle to recruit teachers fill the gaps with technology.
TeacherTube users say the site's usefulness will grow as more teachers log on.
The ultimate test will be how many more students these teachers can help make outstanding progress, not just in the first year, but in subsequent years as more teachers on new teams break through to excellence with the help of their outstanding peers.
As more teachers seek National Board Certification, more «candidate support» programs are developing throughout the country.
Back to reformers: If these results stand — and possibly improve as more teachers hold these roles and help one another succeed — can we possibly all work together to change policies and systems to support giving every student access to excellent teaching, and giving every teacher outstanding career opportunities without being forced up and out of the classroom?
As more teachers convert to digital assessments and reassessments, the demand for technology has increased schoolwide.
Opportunities for discussions of such limitations will continue to arise as more teachers contribute to the archive, adding examples of writing instruction that English teacher educators may find more or less admirable.
This is crimping classroom instruction as more teachers pull lesson plans off the Internet and use bandwidth - hungry programming such as video streaming and Skype.
But could it make a small difference for some students today, and a substantial difference over time, as more teachers learn about the Practices and faithfully implement them?
I truly won't know how successful this project is until several years from now, but I am confident that it has already helped our students — and it will continue to do so as more teachers and counselors become educated on the issues facing young men of color today.
But in one school, as more teachers became involved recording their own personal after - school workouts, they asked to log exercise activities done during the day, such as classroom nature hikes.
But as more teachers have signed on to the Carnegie program at KAPPA International, attendance and four - year - graduation rates have gone up.
Many districts have padded their payrolls, as more teachers were hired in 2016 than during any year in the last decade.
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