Sentences with phrase «asking about my midwives»

Asking about my midwives and plans for my birth team was nice, but it was also nice that instead of asking who was going to «deliver» my baby, they were recognizing that I was the one doing the work, and asking about who was going to help make sure I stayed safe.

Not exact matches

I phoned the Coombe and asked how to go about meeting my attending midwife.
As a registered nurse and midwife, homebirthed mother of three, breastfeeding advocate, In making decisions about how to raise my children I read widely, asked advice from a range of professionals, some being medical doctors some being highly trained, skilled midwives.
If going slowly and a bit of time doesn't seem to help never hesitate to ask your doctor or midwife about potential causes.
«Ideally, as a midwife sits down with a prospective client who's asking questions, he or she can provide up - to - the - minute information about transport rates, neonatal mortality rates, or whatever data are relevant to the questions the client is asking.
Once this has started, your doctor or midwife will begin to ask you questions about the movement.
This is something that you should ask your doctor or midwife about during your prenatal visits.
After around six weeks, your body should have recovered and you can start to think about exercising and losing weight if you want to; you should ask your doctor, midwife or health visitor for advice as your individual situation may affect the intensity and type of exercise you should do.
You should also ask your doctor or midwife about their specific rates for cesarean section, even if you do not think that you will have a cesarean.
It takes longer to recover from a caesarean section and you should wait at least six weeks before you even start to think about exercising; wait until you have had your six week check - up and ask your doctor or midwife for advice about exercising.
The test is not carried out automatically in all countries, and you may want to ask your midwife about it.
When mom returned to her physician for a preconception visit and inquired about having another baby, asking if Penny could be her nurse again, the physician shared that Penny had opened her own practice as a nurse - midwife and now attends homebirths exclusively.
I plan to do some writing about questions to ask midwives, but I'll throw out a couple of ideas: Ask her if giving birth at home is just as safe as giving birth in the hospitask midwives, but I'll throw out a couple of ideas: Ask her if giving birth at home is just as safe as giving birth in the hospitAsk her if giving birth at home is just as safe as giving birth in the hospital.
What matters is that homebirth midwives mean well, so stop asking us about outcomes.
And someday I will have to ask my son for forgiveness and tell him the truth... that my decision led to his inability to use his arm correctly, that I'm the reason he has pain, and that while the midwife who delivered me missed a trillion red flags about his impending shoulder dystocia, ultimately, it was I who hired her and put his life in danger.
So if you are on the fence about your provider, be sure you check out my list of questions to ask an OBGYN or Midwife before you give birth here.
If it is important to you to have your family with you when you give birth, ask your midwife about this.
Amazingly, the first midwife I met at the booking visit had read my file and asked me about my daughter.
My instincts told me they were, but when I asked my midwives about it, they chalked it up to «baby blues» and normal new - mom adjustment.
I posted the Wisconsin neonatal mortality statistics in a comment thread on a Newsweek article about midwifery which quoted Prown, asking why she did not mention that homebirth midwives in Wisconsin had triple the neonatal death rate of low risk hospital birth.
And on one thread where a woman was asking where she could get «unbiased» information about home birth, the HB advocates were telling her to contact a local midwife and have a meeting with her.
When we realized we were about to have an unplanned homebirth because our son was coming so fast, my doula asked if we wanted her to «call 9 -1-1, or call her midwife friend.»
Please talk to your doctor or midwife about your birth preferences and ask that you are not given this medication if you want a physiological third stage and if you intend to breastfeed.
My midwife asked me as the birth grew closer what we had decided about it.
You can ask your midwife or GP for advice about vitamin supplements.
Finally at about 1 am I called my midwife and asked her if there was anything else I could do to sleep as my contractions were still 8 min apart.
So before you decide on giving birth in water in a hospital ask your midwife or a doctor about the guidelines of water birth for a specific hospital.
If the hospital or birthing center where you plan to deliver your baby is not Baby - Friendly designated, ask about their policies, and ask your doctor or midwife to encourage the hospital to pursue this important designation - it's good for all mothers and babies!
The midwives wheeled the breast pump into my room at about midnight and asked me to try and express, I had no idea what I was doing!
Know What Stalled Labor Means for You The best way to avoid getting shuttled into the labor - Pitocin - cesarean trap where stalled labor can often lead is to know your stuff: Learn about the common causes of labor, things you can do to get labor back on track, and the best questions to ask when your doctor or midwife suggests an intervention due to suspected stalled labor.
If your doctor or midwife presses for an induction, ask about the risk of waiting to induce until your cervix is more favorable.
A variety of midwife types exist, so ask about their credentials.
If your hospital is not included in our ratings, ask your doctor or midwife about the hospital's rates.
Ask your midwife about antenatal exercise classes in your area.
Our midwife just asked for people to donate breastmilk to a local mom so I volunteered and just pumped for the first time about an hour ago!
Photo Credit — Tanya Walker Parsons Midwife — A colleague of mine recently asked me to share my thoughts about the upcoming ecstatic birth tele - summit which begins October 20th.
Is it okey I am really worried about my weight and in these days I have little pain please let me know is there any problem in my pregenancy because I asked to my midwife she said its fine to have little pain............ Please suggest me something.
If I had a question about my health or the health of the baby, I could call the midwives 24 hours a day for a phone consultation, or ask them for a home visit during working hours.
Speaking of which, a home birth disaster in my state was based on the fact that the midwife didn't ask about PRIOR drug abuse, just of the mother was currently using drugs or alcohol.
If you're pregnant, and looking for a gentle birth experience, why not ask your midwife about water birthing.
Ask your doctor or midwife about trying supplements such as iron, magnesium, vitamin B12, or folate.
You can request a copy or ask for more information about the CPM by contacting the North American Registry of Midwives at 1 -888-84-BIRTH (eastern time), or by e-mail North American Registry of Midwives.
If your natural milk supply has been suppressed for some reason, ask your doctor or midwife about using these foods, plants or herbs to help boost your milk output once again.
Ask actively practicing direct entry midwives for their suggestions on how to go about becoming a midwife.
Be sure to ask the midwife about any concerns to help the mother understand that a long labor does not necessarily mean something is «wrong».
For more detailed information about the different kinds of midwives and their legal status in your state, visit Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
I have asked several of my respected mother and midwife friends about the risks of nighttime nursing to dental health.
The midwife would ask me a question about the pains or the sensations and inside I was saying «you tell me!».
When each woman returned for her first visit to the doctor at the antenatal clinic she was approached in the waiting room by a program midwife, reminded about the research and asked to sign a consent form.
In response to feedback, we have clarified what is meant by midwife - led care and have stressed the multi-disciplinary network of care providers; have added information to the Abstract about the lack of effect on caesarean section; and revised the Abstract's conclusions from «All women» to «Most women should be offered midwife - led models of care and women should be encouraged to ask for this option.»
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