Sentences with phrase «askwith debate on the topic»

So in stead of wasting your time walking us through financial information we should already be familiar with you should spend your time walking us through a few key decisions you're trying to make and get our input / debate on the topic.
Surprisingly, a California legislation that would allow on - demand drivers to unionize was recalled by sponsoring legislator Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego, saying more time is needed to debate on the topic.
Our Family Enterprise Forums offer stimulating debate on topics of interest to family businesses, with exclusive insights from HSBC Private Bank experts and external specialists.
And to those atheists, denouncing all believers as devoid of logic and reason is patently wrong, and if you disagree, I invite you to debate me on the topic, or on any topic either religious or otherwise and decide for yourself whether I am devoid of logic and reason.
Then it will become the «law of evolution» and there will be no further debate on this topic.
But First Things is a journal for reasoned and fact - substantiated debate on topics and positions that are debatable by Christians, monotheists, and men of good will.
I know there is much debate on this topic - so if you have any strong opinions I'd love to know.
Stick to the people who can have an informed debate on topics pal.
I was a way of ensuring that the board did not devolve into heated debates on topics that the board owner (whose «home» it was) felt strongly about, one way or another.
Chris Bryant, the Labour MP who persuaded the Speaker to hold this afternoon's three - hour debate on the topic, threw up his arms in disgust.
There was a big Intelligence Squared debate on the topic of conventions.
Here are extracts from some of the speeches from the Tory benches during the second and final day's debate on the topic (for now)...
Intelligence Squared held a debate on the topic, with some examples raised.
When I pressed by pointing out that the issue has very much been in the news recently, and that Gillibrand would almost certainly invite a debate on the topic, Long elaborated a bit.
He also responded with plans for a lengthy debate on the topic and stated that he believed the document to be too complex to be decided by referendum.
Labour will force a vote on the controversial European Arrest Warrant after a debate on the topic failed to take place in parliament yesterday.
Several recent studies have shown that even light and moderate alcohol consumption is linked to higher cancer risk — yet when the California government proposed warning labels, alcohol companies fought back, giving new rise to a decades - long debate on the topic.
While there is a lot of debate on these topics, one thing all successful bodybuilders have in common is that they lift weights.
A healthy debate on any topic!
I like learning new things that I find interesting, I like to do a lot of reading, I like to do a lot of debating on topics that interest me, I like people watching (even when they are acting absurd), I like listening to a variety of music (UNlike a lot of people, I genuinely do), and I like to...
A lively debate on this topic was held the night of February 6th in New York, with a panel of experts arguing for and against the motion: Dating Apps Have Killed Romance.
While teachers may be tempted to ban debate on topics that could offend or even harm their students in their class — President Trump's immigration ban, for example, or mass deportations — «it's disingenuous to pretend that these are not real issues,» says Levinson.
When we as educators put our opinions out in the open for everyone to see, we spark debate on a topic that might otherwise be lost in the stew.
The aim of the campaign is to secure a parliamentary debate on the topic.
The lesson also includes a detailed resource pack should you wish to hold a formal debate on the topic.
A worksheet designed to help pupils to plan for a debate on any topic.
It can also be used to stimulate a debate on the topic as well.
But he says there will be real debate on topics like standardized testing.
Over on Slate, a debate on the topic of the merits of copyright, as well as the ethical and moral implications of digital piracy, has been raging between Slate Business & Economics Correspondent Matthew Yglesias and author and literary scholar -LSB-...]
I think that any thoughtful debate on the topic would wind up with a consensus that security theater is a waste.
I've been having an internal debate on this topic for the past few weeks.
There's a lot of debate on the topic at the moment (best article I've seen lately is Early Retirement Now's «Ultimate Guide To Withdrawal Rates», which I encourage you to read).
There is a lot of debate on the topic.
SmartMoney magazine recently ran a bull vs. bear debate on the topic.
There has always been a debate on this topic and the answer depends on individual groups and certain circumstances.
By accepting to debate on these topics and on a reciprocal research, two among the most esteemed Italian artists revisit previous experiences occurred to both and combine them in original artworks, characterized by brand new, surprising implications.
A single editor opened a debate on the topic, inviting pro and con papers.
My wonderful employer, NASA, has a set of web pages which do an excellent job of framing the debate on this topic.
It is a stark example as well of how public debate on topics deemed delicate here can be easily muffled by a small minority, the most vocal of whom are the country's estimated 10,000 rightists who espouse hard - line stances in disputes against Tokyo's neighbors.
The author is concerned that unscientific attempts have been made — urged on by sensationalized media reports — to deem CO2 / Global Warming as a fait accompli, and to marginalize, if not completely stifle any scientific debate on the topic.
But there are enough scientists who put themselves in the public debate on this topic.
Quirke: Geoffrey, MIT recently had a high profile debate on this topic — this was a very different reaction towards the divestment movement than that of Harvard, which has kind of rebuffed a substantive dialogue with students on the topic instead of embrace one like MIT.
Since the mid to late 1980s there has been an intense and often emotional debate on this topic.
What's interesting is that while Al Gore and others insist «the debate is over» few of us have actually witnessed a genuine debate on this topic.
The Economist is holding an online debate on the topic.
The New York Times saw fit to host a debate on that topic last week anyway, and Lloyd promptly skewered the «we should treat A / C like clean air» contingent.
My question is whether it will ever be possible to get a technical debate on this topic either here or at Real Climate.
Around the same time, another high - profile case led to a major constitutional challenge, and a very national debate on the topic of assisted suicide.
The ferocity of recent internet debate on this topic clouds the possibility that harm done by men to women should be understood as about all these things: the men who inflict it, the society in which it occurs and the lives of the women who live with the possibility of that threat.
The researcher can also search for specific aspects of the Act (e.g. «troubled assets») to see if there was debate on that topic specifically.
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