Sentences with phrase «atkins diet fad»

Not exact matches

The paleotrolls and others new to Dr. Greger's extensive writings frequently ask him to shoot down or rebut the latest broscience or truthy cholesterol confusionist rehash of the low carb / paleolithic diet / atkins diet or the new fad perfect health diet charlatans.
People seem to love to always jump from fad diet to fad diet such as low - fat diets, atkins diets, south beach diets, grapefruit diets, detox diets, vegetarian diets, and other sometimes ridiculous diets that most times are based on one person's opinion or marketing scheme (or personal agenda) rather than based on actual science.
For example, if tribes migrate (d) to a certain locale or are forced out of an ideal way of life due to cataclysm etc, (such as leaving fruit bearing tropical climates due to sea level rise in ancient prehistory as seen from underwater megalithic stone temples from around the world) then that does nt mean their way of life currently is the most ideal that the body thrives on, such as «paleo» diet or atkins diet or other FAD BULLSHIT low carb, high fat diets that are EXTREMELY HARMFUL AS CITED CONCLUSIVELY.
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