Sentences with phrase «atu widows and orphans»

Retirees, widows and orphans have short - term needs, and they believed that unloading restructured ABCP on the secondary market before maturity would be a sucker's bet.
My IRAs are primarily in widow and orphan dividend growth stocks, and I keep about one year's worth of expenses in high - yield preferred ETFs as an emergency fund.
Utility stocks were once considered investments for «widows and orphans» because they provided a safe, steady, and growing dividend income with good prospects for capital appreciation.
Like, widows and orphans don't seem to be starving because BlackRock has to pay slightly higher bid / ask spreads to trade bonds.
It is sometimes called a «widow and orphan» stock due to its conservative nature and limited growth.
Mining securities are not the thing for widows and orphans or country clergymen, or unworldly people of any kind to own.
Chris Christie's attack on Rand Paul - where Christie complained about piddling «esoteric» libertarian concerns voiced by people who were too cowardly to face «the widows and the orphans» of 9/11 - reminded me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
Jesus told us to take care of the widows and the orphans, to take care of the sick, to visit those in prison, to treat every person we come in contact with in the same was we ourselves would want to be treated by them.
I am reminded of what Jesus said about the purest form of religion being taking care of the most vulnerable of society with widows and orphans and to keep from being polluted by evil, in this case the love of money over meeting the needs of the poor.
God says that «good» religion is looking after widows and orphans in their distress and to keep yourself from being polluted by the world.
According to the Law of Moses, the spiritual leaders were supposed to be taking care of the widows and orphans in the community, and providing for their needs (Deut 26:12).
Actually, yes you can know that what was done there pleased the Lord because he tells us that the religion that He finds to be pleasing is to take care of widows and orphans.
And he then says, in effect, that true religion is helping widows and orphans.
He was talking about widows and orphans, laborers and wages — the exact same things that young people are talking about today.
With regard to others, it is our duty to cultivate within ourselves respect for the sacred and to show the face of the revealed God — the God who has compassion for the poor and the weak, for widows and orphans, for the foreigner; the God who is so human that he himself became man, a man who suffered, and who by his suffering with us gave dignity and hope to our pain.
Maybe that's why he was so concerned about widows and orphans - because he knew what it was like to be one.
Just saying that maybe if we actually used those hundreds of millions of dollars to meet the needs of widows and orphans to show them the love of Jesus, maybe that would be even more effective.
Oh God of the widow and orphan, the poor and distressed, bring forth your justice, for only you can perfectly judge, recompense and reunite this riven family of humanity.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
The Bible itself is lucid on the sin of Sodom: pride, lack of concern for the poor and needy (Ezekiel 16:48 - 49); hatred of strangers and cruelty to guests (Wisdom 19:13); arrogance (Sirach / Ecclesiaticus 16:8); evildoing, injustice, oppression of the widow and orphan (Isaiah 1:17); adultery (in those days, the use of another man's property), and lying (Jeremiah 23:12).
Pro-Life relates to many issues: insurance for those who can not afford, gun control, illegal drug traffic, poverty (homeless, elderly, etc. widows and orphans)... we are becoming pawns used to dominate the politics of losers who can not justify their candidacy by any other means.
It has to do with «a dynamic concept» (Jeromias, 1974: 121) which indicates a divine sovereignty that does not consist in handing down impartial verdicts but in the protection that the king ensures is given to the weak and the poor, to widows and orphans, and not so much with a particular place or abstract idea.
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God continually calls us to justice, to love, peace and mercy and, above all, to accompany the marginalized, foreigners, widows and orphans.
Writing in the Sunday Times, he said: «In the Bible, the hardest - pressed of all poor people were summarised as «widows and orphans» for they were the group most at risk and with least support.
Widows and orphans found themselves stranded at the bottom of the social food chain.
I can't help but wonder how many «widows and orphans «we could have helped in the time it has taken to list / type / think and read the above — shame on us as the body of Christ.
What those consequences will look like is anyone's guess, but justice cries out from the graves of the innocent killed and those victims, widows and orphans still living with the wounds, scars, and pain of the actions of one man.
The prophets call for repentance and urge a program of justice and equity that will demonstrate concern for the poor, the needy, the oppressed, the widow and the orphan (Isa.
Some early black congregations began as benevolent societies, and all of them were concerned for the welfare of the sick, the widowed and the orphaned.
Again and again it measures the degree of success by what happens to the marginalized members of society, the widows and orphans and the stranger in the midst.
Neither seems to be fully in line with what James called «true religion,» which is to attend to widows and orphans (i.e., to vulnerable women and children) in their affliction (James 1:27).
If you are looking for true religion, visit the widows and orphans.
I know someone will say, «True religion is this: to help the widow and the orphan
Utter destruction characterized the South Korean topography, while widows and orphans made up a disproportionate percentage of its population.
The tithe was to take care of the widows and orphans and the poor and needy fellow Jews - their relatives.
While we engage in the never ending silly season widows and orphans remain unattended to, millions starve for the bread of life, demons remain uncast out, the lame remain sick, the dead remain unraised.
They will follow in the tradition of the Hebrew prophets: feeding the poor, caring for widows and orphans, attacking economic systems that produce injustice.
Above that tableau, the soaring words of the martyred president ring out: «to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace.»
But I think overall, James agrees with our Lord, «Pure religion is this: to care for the widows and the orphans, and keep oneself unspotted from the world.»
ACT Founder and Director Dr Kunle Onabolu told Premier they «provide education for children of widows and orphans in Africa, but also to empower widows who are poor in rural African community, to provide them with counselling, training and business skills so they generate income sustainably.»
To many, my opinion, try to revolutionize the Church and forget the commission to go to the poor, the lost, the prisoners, the widows and the orphans and love them as Christ did.
God is very sensitive to the needs of widows and orphans and those who CAN NOT do for themselves.
Sadly the church (as the religious in the times of Jesus) has those that like the status but neglect the «true religion» in the biblical case of looking after widows and orphans or caring for the abused.
The Bible consistently teaches that God's people are to care for the poor and marginalized, the widows and the orphans, the sick and the oppressed.
In the fulfillment of its vocation, the Church is called to announce Good News in Jesus Christ, forgiveness, hope, a new heaven and a new earth; to denounce powers and principalities, sin and injustice; to console the widows and orphans, healing, restoring the brokenhearted; and to celebrate life in the midst of death.
God's special concern is not for the mighty and the successful, but for the lowly and the downtrodden, for the stranger and the poor, for the widow and the orphan
Imagine that widows and orphans have access to the very God whom the heavens can not contain!
But the fact that I have a Christian duty to care for, say, widows and orphans doesn't require that I support any old government program that does that.
My current ministry is taking care of widows and orphans, ministering to those with drug & alcohol problems — in other words doing what the true God would want; not going after the civil rights of millions of Americans — we need to keep church separated from hate — and stop trying to deny civil rights based on perceived religious doctrine.
These are not the people sending money to Rebbe Eckstein to care for the widows and orphans, for the hungry and poorly clothed.
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