Sentences with phrase «author response image»

Antibody staining also shows increased phosphorylation of the Nodal signal transducer, Smad2, in lefty2 mutant embryos as compared to wild - type embryos (Author response image 1)(Dubrulle et al. 2015; Schier 2009).

Not exact matches

I find it strange and a bit sad that the posts in response to an article that is decrying the negative images many have of atheist are of the same sort of mean spirited close - minded stereotypical behavior that gives many those negative images the author was upset about.
Following a dialectic with Augustine, Aquinas, the Reformers, Barth and others about man as created in the image of God, the author offers process theology's response.
David G. Roskie's compelling study Against the Apocalypse: Responses to Catastrophe in Modem Jewish Culture discusses the cross symbol's use not only in Chagall's painting, but in the literary work of Der Nister, Lamed Shapiro, Sholem Asch, S. Y. Agnon and the poet Uri Zvi Greenberg (Harvard University Press, 1984 [pp. 258 - 310]-RRB- In literature written before World War II (and under the influence of biblical criticism that had emancipated Jesus» image from its doctrinal Christian vesture), these authors used the cross symbol variously; for Asch, the crucified figure in all his Jewishness symbolized universal suffering; for Shapiro and Agnon, on the other hand, the cross remained an emblem of violence and a reminder of Christian enmity against Jews.
«In the 1980s, US Courts of Appeals evaluated who «authors» images of a videogame that are generated by software in response to a player's input,» Ben Sobel, an Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, told Intellectual Property Watch in August.
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