Sentences with phrase «authors reviewing books»

I especially liked Kristen Lamb's posts about authors reviewing books.
The author reviews a book about American's attitude toward the government.
The author reviews a book on suicide.
The author reviews a book by Martin E. Marty.
The author reviews a book by Stanley Hauerwas: When Hauerwas asserts that liberal Christians are those who take «humans, not God, as the center of Christian faith,» or when he says that one of «the most cherished conceits of modernity» is that «humans are the measure of all that is,» he reveals that he has not thought hard enough about what liberalism and modernity mean to their proponents.
The author reviews a book about retirement.
The author reviews a book on Darwin by John Haught, who seeks not simply to provide a theology in dialogue with evolutionary theory, but a theology of evolution.
The author reviews a book about the perplexing book of Job.
Amazon bitches about an author reviewing a book by another author?

Not exact matches

David Burkus, best - selling author of three books and an award - winning podcaster, has contributed the first four questions on this list from an interesting article he wrote for Harvard Business Review.
He is the best - selling author of the book Earning Serendipity and contributing writer toHuffington Post and Harvard Business Review.
A new platform called, for example, lets authors search profiles of 500 vetted freelance editors and book - cover designers and then manage proposals, bids, payment, and vendor reviews and ratings.
According to Goodman, your book should have three things upon launch: social proof, i.e., a number of Amazon reviews; an «intangible,» e.g., a quote from a renowned expert in the field, say a New York Times bestselling author; and lastly a good book (which may seem obvious, but...).
Being aware of how your brain works can help you make better decisions as an entrepreneur, contend the authors of a new book, Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012).
For example, if you know someone who loves to read, send an article or book review about his or her favorite author.
He is the bestselling author of three other books on loyalty, published by Harvard Business Review Press, including The Loyalty Effect, Loyalty Rules!
Keyword Intelligence by author Ron Jones: Book Review.
I encourage the readers of this review to support the author of the original work by purchasing the book.
Before the giveaway, Colorado literary agent Rachelle Gardner warned in a blog that if Christian authors fail to mention their books» faith - based content, they are in danger of receiving nasty reviews.
James Fitzpatrick is the author of several books and his columns have appeared in First Things, National Review, the New Oxford Review, and Intercollegiate Review.
There is no reason why Jacobs should not lampoon a book after a brief glance rather than dignifying it with a review, but it is a bit much to accompany the caricature with advice to the author on the virtues of close reading.
We've got books briefly noted by authors as good as James Bowman, Anthony Sacramone, and Frederica Mathewes - Green — together with full reviews from such authors as Shalom Carmy (reviewing James Q. Whitman's The Origins of Reasonable Doubt) and Caitrin Nicol (reviewing Steve Talbott's Devices of the Soul) and Fr.
Now he reviews a new book on ethics and writes,» [The author] agrees with what now seems to be a near - consensus among philosophers that «speciesism» - the view that we are entitled to take theinterests of animals less seriously than we take human interests, simply because humans are members of our species - is not a morally defensible position.»
The author of the review thinks this book sinks under its own weight, for its author makes no secret of his loathing of the whole homosexual community, quoting every passage in the bible that can even remotely be translated against them, often twisting passages to say what they do not mean.
Two months after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Turkish author Orhan Pamuk published an essay in the New York Review of Books (titled «The Anger of the Damned») in which Pamuk, who is often mentioned as a contender for the Nobel Prize, tried to explain the violent resentment that Muslim societies feel towards the West.
MIRANDA THRELFALL - HOLMES is an Anglican vicar and the author of The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook and The Little Book of Prayer Experiments (reviewed on page 67)
David Smolin's review of Hadley Arkes» new book, Natural Rights and the Right to Choose (February), disserves both the author and the readers of First Things.
The author reviews two books about Pope Pius XII.
The author of the book reviewed here believes that the institution of marriage is about to collapse and there's little that can be done about it.
This and other questions are pondered by the authors of the books here reviewed.
The author reviews six books that reveal many meanings and interpretations of the transfiguration of Christ.
So a Christian who was a fan of this book (and the author) commented that this was the stupidest review they had ever read... Another Christian weighed in and said that the commenter was stupid as well for just using cut - and - paste attacks upon people who write critical reviews.
Authors Blankenthorn and his divisive and jabbing rhetoric on homosexual marriage and Fox - Genovese for her testy rebuff of feminism are severely criticized for their opinions in this review of their books.
Alice Bach, the editor of Union Seminary Quarterly Review, is the author of more than twenty books for children and young adults.
If / when an author in the group becomes published, he / she promises to help other members in the group also get published, and in return, they promise to write about and review the author's book so they can sell more copies.
Dr. Altizer is one of a number of authors of notable works of the «60s to whom we made an offer they couldn't refuse: How would you like to review your own book?
And yet, when the gifted musician / author Jeremy Begbie reviewed art historian Dan Siedell's book God in the Gallery in the current issue of Image, Begbie appeared - ever so subtly - to take issue that Dan Siedell, in a book about art, limited himself to «one particular current within the Nicene river, the Eastern Orthodox tradition... and the council of Niceae (787 CE), the conference which established the orthodoxy of icons.»
The author reviews two books on foreign aid.
1) Here's a 2009 review of a biography of Helen Gurley Brown, author of Sex and the Single Girl, the landmark 1962 book — both for the Sexual Revolution and 60s feminism — and editor - in - chief of....
1) Here's a 2009 review of a biography of Helen Gurley Brown, author of Sex and the Single Girl, the landmark 1962 book — both for the Sexual Revolution and 60s feminism — and editor - in - chief of Cosmopolitan magazine.
The author reviews two books on the subject discussing the cultural patterns and problems of first and second generation Koreans, how they are different from other ethnic groups and the problems of assimilation into American culture.
The author reviews several books giving detailed information about Mary Magdalene with early historical information concerning her relationship with Jesus and the disciples.
The author reviews three books on motherhood, and comments that through a holy blend of social criticism and spiritual fortitude, women with children might be able to resist the guilt and perfectionism that, if these authors are correct, are now the signatures of motherhood.
In what is essentially a complimentary review of William Martin's book, A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story, Wacker credits the author with showing a balanced view of Graham, and summarizes Graham's appeal from political, social, cultural, as well as homiletical, ecclesiastical and theological perspectives.
Parents responsible for children with disabilities are the subjects of four books reviewed by the author.
The author provides an extended review of a book that describes how patristic and medieval thinkers dealt with the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body.
That only author's name is Walter Joseph Schenck, Jr., who has received high reviews for his religious series of books by Kirkus Book Rreviews for his religious series of books by Kirkus Book ReviewsReviews.
I had read much of Borges's work, including many relatively unknown essays and reviews, as I prepared to write a dissertation on his «Libros y autores extranjeros» («Foreign Books and Authors»), a biweekly column he published from 1936 - 39 in the Buenos Aires magazine El Hogar.
In order to understand it, we must lay some groundwork by reviewing what the author of the book of Hebrews has said up to this point.
With the war in Iraq it seems appropriate to take a hard look at historical and political realities about U.S. response to atrocities, raised by the two books the author reviews..
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