Sentences with phrase «average americans now»

Average Americans now — compared to a generation ago — travel much more, eat many more restaurant meals, and live in larger, better - equipped houses.
The average American now consumes literally twice as many goods and services as back in 1950.
The average American now watches four hours of television a day.
The average American now sleeps 6.1 hours each night, but those who are in the early stages of adrenal fatigue are often getting much less.
What is not natural is that, with the average American now eating about 2.7 pounds of sugar every week, your blood glucose levels may very likely become excessively elevated, then stay that way.
The average American now consumes an average of 130 grams of sugar per day
The average American now consumes an average of 130 grams of sugar per day — for reference, the daily recommendation for women is a maximum of 20 grams a day!
Add to that the amount of time that we spend watching TV and in our daily commute and it becomes apparent, the average American now spends the vast majority of his or her time in a state of physical inactivity.
The average American now consumes 175 pounds of sugar per year!
The average American now consumes 1/3 of a pound of sugar DAILY.
All this sugar adds up quickly: the average American now consumes 150 to 170 pounds of refined sugars each year, up from just 120 pounds in 1970, and just 10 pounds in 1821.
The average American now spends 4 hours a day in front of a computer as a part of their job, which makes it extremely unsurprising that many Americans are using computers less during their personal time then they have been in the past 5 years.
The fact is that the credit card debt of an average American now amounts to about $ 8,000.
The average American now has $ 47,000 in debt, down from a peak of $ 53,000 in 2008.
As for housing, the average American now spends twice as much as in the 1940s.

Not exact matches

While Sequoia acknowledged that Facebook «has unquestionably committed sins for which it must now atone,» the firm explained that it chose to purchase a stake as it believes «it remains a far more competitively advantaged, economically attractive and faster - growing enterprise than the average American business.»
It is one reason, along with a tough economy, the average American car is now more than 9 years old.
After all, the average car on American highways and byways is now more than 9 years old after a tough downturn that has driven home the virtue of making do, says John Paul, a spokesman for AAA of Southern New England and host of the «Car Doctor,» a weekly radio program.
May we have your attention, please: The average American attention span is now one second shorter than that of a goldfish.
For me, the biggest disconnect of all is the fact that while Americans are more prosperous by Martin's measure, Canadians now have a higher average household net worth.
The average citizen in many Latin American countries has turned to Bitcoin in order to survive, and now many wealthy families are becoming a believer in the cryptocurrency and are buying as much as they can.
For instance, the merger of American and US Airways in 2013 increased American's market share at Philadelphia's airport to 77 %, resulting in fares there rising from 4 % below the national average in 2013 to 10 % above it now.
The American Association of Individual Investors, for example, notes that bullish sentiment — the expectation that stock prices will rise over the next six months — is above its historical average, as it has been for nearly three months now.
They just don't realize it yet because up until now, the Fed and the Government gave the average American enough rope in the form of easy access to debt to hang himself.
Average equity prices in Asia are now 52 per cent above their 2003 lows, while Latin American equity prices have shown the largest rises, up an average 120 per cent from recenAverage equity prices in Asia are now 52 per cent above their 2003 lows, while Latin American equity prices have shown the largest rises, up an average 120 per cent from recenaverage 120 per cent from recent lows.
As a result, while today's 65 - year - olds will receive on average net lifetime benefits of $ 327,400, children born now will suffer net lifetime losses of $ 420,600 as they struggle to pay the bills of aging Americans.
Average Americans are too addicted and lazy beyond hope even now than former Americans.
I've been an African American «Mormon» for 22 years and if the Church was any more racist than average society i would know by now, people that know history know that the main excuse to ex pulse the Mormons from Illinois and Ohio into the west was because they held slaves among them as regular people.
Now, you probably know more about the Crusades than the average American who would do this, so you probably have some specific ideas in mind.
I used to be a repub till congress was taken over by the tea party and Romney as our candidate.I can not support a man who is a draft dodger and a tax evader.The repub congress has done nothing for vets, nothing for the middleclass.All of the good repubs have gone or have been forced out by the extremists that care nothing for the average joe or veterans like myself.Until we get real candidates that care for the middleclass and vets I will not vote for the repubs.Honor and respect, and caring for this nation is what the repubs used to stand for, now we have wackjobs from the tea party holding america hostage and thats as un patriotic as it gets, it is hurting many americans, our economy and soldiers who are looking for work.
... The average Christian in the world right now is an African or Latin American female in her early 20's.
If food is destined to cost more, so be it — Americans spend an average of only 11 percent of their income on food now, while they spent more than 50 percent on food at the turn of the century.
Sorghum is an old grain that has great importance in poor countries in places like Africa, but it's not thought of as something that would make it onto the average American table - until now.
Cash, now 42 and a good deal heavier than he was in 1961 when he led the American League with a.361 batting average, did not embarrass himself.
The Jordans epitomize the blue - collar, white, middle - class, so - called «average Americans» who now find their political affiliation with the Republican fringe of the Tea Party.
Despite your words, we now know the Greedy Old Pigs care nothing about jobs or average Americans.
«The average American backpacked once every 12.5 years in the past and [is] now backpacking once every 10 years,» Zaradic notes.
Seating us high — the average American toilet now measures an astonishing 16.5 inches (42 centimeters) from rim to floor — it is ergonomically questionable, as it squeezes shut the colon and in fact hampers the process of evacuation that it is designed to aid.
The virus is inefficient at spreading among people, says Vincent Munster, a virologist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease in Hamilton, Mont. «The average American right now should not be too overly worried.»
But the real dearth — the lack of clear pathways into careers that could enable today's generation of gifted young Americans to become the researchers who make tomorrow's great discoveries — is convincing more and more of the nation's best students not to seek careers in fields such as law, finance, medicine and other fields that offer much better short - and long - term career prospects instead of dedicating an average of seven years to PhD study plus an additional five years or more of postdoctoral training now considered necessary to compete for an academic career in many scientific fields.
Also, a 2006 study in American Sociological Review found that the average person now has a smaller number of people in whom they could confide than folks typically did 20 years ago.
Now, preliminary work reported here today at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting suggests that men who have more CNVs than average may be more likely to sire children with the eye cancer retinoblastoma.
Americans now consume an average of 150 pounds of sugar a year, which is 20 times as much as was the norm in 1700 when Americans were consuming only 7 1/2 pounds per year!
«So what happens is now, the standard American diet after 2012, which is the last data set that we looked at, the average American is consuming around 40 omega 6s to 1 omega 3.
Our grandparents consumed about 2 kg of sugar per year, while now the average American is consuming up to 80 kg per year.
Now he's hosting ABC's new weight loss competition My Diet Is Better Than Yours — where five average Americans are paired with a celebrity trainer to help them shed pounds.
Now, estimates are that the average American consumes 180 pounds (405 cups) every year!
Research done on the average American daily protein volume required is now set at only 50 grams, Bodybuilders know very well that if any weight training done in the gym or at home is going to be of any benefit, then daily protein intake needs to be increased.
By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Americans now consume an average of 150 pounds of sugar a year, which is 20 times as much as was the norm in 1700 when Americans were consuming only 7 1/2 pounds per year!
50 + years ago the average lifestyle was very different to what Americans and western Europeans experience now — previously we used walk places, used work doing hard manual labour and be on out feet much of the day, this would have given us quite a different aerobic base to build from.
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