Sentences with phrase «avoid other cleaning products»

Avoid other cleaning products such as alcohol which can irritate the healing skin.

Not exact matches

It is not eating local or organic, avoiding plastic, taking my own bags, cooking from scratch, seeking out phantom power, freezing my buns off, making my own cleaning products, line drying my clothes, or any of the other million decisions we make on a daily basis.
When the U.S. government banned the germ - killer triclosan from soaps and other cleaning products, many people decided to avoid items that still had it, such as toothpastes.
I'm here to stay that I just avoided a lot of foods after that Ayahusasca ceremony and gluten was one of them, certain pork products and other meats that just didn't feel very clean, I've avoided as well.
«Investing clean» means avoiding complex products and sticking to the basics: individual stocks and bonds, plain vanilla GICs, and low - cost funds that don't use leverage or other exotic strategies that promise more than they can deliver.
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