Sentences with phrase «avulsion injuries»

Avulsion injuries, caused when the tail is pulled strenuously, may stretch or tear nerves, while breaks near the base of the tail may sever nerves.
Most commonly, these avulsion injuries affect the innervation of the arm and hand, and lead to paralysis, loss of sensation and cause chronic pain.
Potential complications of early return to play include worsening symptoms, abnormal bone development, or an avulsion injury.
In a new study the PhD students Jan Hoeber, Niclas König and Carl Trolle, working in Dr.Elena Kozlova's research group transplanted human stem cells to an avulsion injury in mice with the aim to restore a functional route for sensory information from peripheral tissues into the spinal cord.
This can be associated with an acute episode whilst growing but also adults can also get the issue from activity such as running and the tendon insertion becomes inflamed and can cause an avulsion injury to the tendon if enough force is applied.

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In the early stages, radiographs typically look normal, but widening of the growth plate and even an avulsion are not uncommon with higher - grade injuries.
Here's an injury you didn't even want to know was possible: Jimmy Fallon returned to the Tonight Show last night after getting hand surgery for a ring avulsion (don't Google it — seriously) that bent his finger «sideways.»
There are various possible injuries that Bailey may have suffered and the recovery time would be dependent on the type of injury; some injuries like partial brachial plexus avulsion may take a month or more whilst some muscle injury may take a day.
Degloving refers to an avulsion - type injury where your skin and soft tissue are separated from the rest of your body.
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