Sentences with phrase «awesome question because»

Not exact matches

«blah blah christianity is awesome, just ignore all the bad things in the bible, blah blah I'm right because I say so, blah blah I will never answer a question with anything but irrelevant bullshit».
So first of all, I want to give you guys awesome props because our listener shift for Newbies has increased pretty dramatically over last couple months, so I don't like to question that, it just like to say, hey thank you guys for listening to the show.
I have always thought of this as sort of a trick question, because in my mind, no matter which option you choose, it's an awesome choice because you're getting rid of debt!
You would never know that, because that's all hidden, no one asks hard questions (especially when faced with the promise of wealth and fame by someone who has neither), and it's a negative discussion which is prohibited by the happysphere on the internet who only respond to congratulations, thank yous and «you're so awesome» type compliments.
«I told everyone before I left if there were lots of questions about pop culture I would be awesome at it because I probably read too many celebrity gossip blogs,» she says.
David: This is an awesome question and this is why I wrote the book Long Distance Real Estate Investing because markets are specific to where you live.
That is a hard question to answer... I would love to keep it because I know Tania makes awesome jewelry, but my friend just gave birth and I know she would adore it as well... maybe I need to win two to solve my problem...
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