Sentences with phrase «axolotl salamander»

Some animals, such as the axolotl salamander, can regrow new body parts in a process that involves the generation of new cells.
Some animals, such as the axolotl salamander, can regrow new body parts in a process that involves the generation of new cells.
Some amphibians (axolotl salamanders) have the capacity to regenerate highly complex structures such as limbs, jaws, tail, spinal cord, or eyes throughout their lives.

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In a paper published in the journal PLOS ONE, MDI Biological Laboratory scientists Benjamin L. King, Ph.D., and Voot P. Yin, Ph.D., identified these common genetic regulators in three regenerative species: the zebrafish, a common aquarium fish originally from India; the axolotl, a salamander native to the lakes of Mexico; and the bichir, a ray - finned fish from Africa.
This means that, in addition to being inbred, almost all of the axolotls in labs and aquariums today are actually part tiger salamander.
Although other salamanders metamorphose into terrestrial creatures, axolotls hold on to their feathery gills and stay in the water for their entire lives.
His work so far suggests that the salamanders prefer fairly dirty ponds over the most pristine ones — another sign that axolotls might still thrive in Xochimilco if other pressures are removed.
Here, scientists brought in a series of wild axolotls to mix up the gene pool and at one point even added in tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum).
The remaining canals, located in the southern district of Xochimilco, are polluted and overrun with invasive carp and tilapia, which eat axolotl eggs and devour aquatic plants, destroying the banks where the salamanders once thrived.
The axolotl, a salamander that retains unique evolutionary features and is a darling of biologists because it can regenerate limbs, faces adversity on two fronts.
He arrived at the MDI Biological Laboratory last year from the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute with the goal of studying the role of the immune system in limb and heart regeneration in the axolotl, or Mexican salamander (see sidebar).
Echeverri and her colleagues study an amphibian known as the axolotl or Mexican salamander.
In his research on the axolotl, which is a Mexican salamander, Dr. Godwin discovered that when it comes to regenerating tissue without scarring, a white blood cell called the macrophage may be a triggering factor.
The answer to regenerative medicine's most compelling question — why some organisms can regenerate major body parts such as hearts and limbs while others, such as humans, can not — may lie with the body's innate immune system, according to a new study of heart regeneration in the axolotl, or Mexican salamander, an organism that takes the prize as nature's champion of regeneration.
Axolotls are a species of salamander that never metamorphose out of the larval state, something like pollywogs that never become frogs.
We went from tank to tank, reading the placards: various species of salamanders, newts, frogs, but no axolotls.
Of the aquatic salamanders, axolotls are a Mexican mountain lake denizen with beautiful feathery external gills and beatific personalities.
Salamanders A broad family, the salamanders range from the common fish tank denizens like firebellied and eastern newts to the gorgeous terrestrial tiger and fire salamanders, to the completely aquatic tiger, relatives to the axolotls, to the giant and fearsome looking hSalamanders A broad family, the salamanders range from the common fish tank denizens like firebellied and eastern newts to the gorgeous terrestrial tiger and fire salamanders, to the completely aquatic tiger, relatives to the axolotls, to the giant and fearsome looking hsalamanders range from the common fish tank denizens like firebellied and eastern newts to the gorgeous terrestrial tiger and fire salamanders, to the completely aquatic tiger, relatives to the axolotls, to the giant and fearsome looking hsalamanders, to the completely aquatic tiger, relatives to the axolotls, to the giant and fearsome looking hellbenders.
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