Sentences with phrase «bfing in»

V embarassing when I was bfing in public and they'd let rip
CBS suggests that you have to pay penance for BFing in church and while that may have been an attempt at a clever snippet, it's implications are seriously wrong.
But many women don't live in communities where BFing in public is supported or accepted.
My friend and I thought it was pretty ironic that I was BFing in front of the formula stand so we snapped a picture and it happened to go viral.
Personally, I think this is a big part of the negative reaction towards BFing in public.
Again, not for BFing in public, which LOTS of women do in our store, but for doing it * wrong.

Not exact matches

The first and most important thing we should do is bfing a DMF into the lineup.This means Coquelin or even Niles should start from now on.Wenger has left it too late as we should've been playing with a proper DMF early in the season to this time.
My first, a boy, and I started off BFing well... until I went in for surgery when he was 8 weeks old.
The nurses & LCs were pretty good about helping with getting bfing started, they showed me a variety of ways to hold the baby, hand express some milk onto the nipple to get her started (she didn't want to suck, although positioning was perfect & she'd suck on a finger if it was put in her mouth) One nurse tried sugar water on my nipple, which I wasn't okay with, but it was the middle of the night, I was overwhelmed and frustrated, and baby blues had set in.
People make snarky comments about all sorts of behaviors that go on in public it's not just BFing.
I wanted to throw in my experience with the BFing.
Bad (actual) LC — in a flippant - ish voice to a sobbing me» Well, BFing isn't for everyone».
It is perfectly possible to experience sexual arousal due to nipple stimulation, even by a baby, and if that ever happened to me there's no way in hell I'd continue BFing if there was any other option.
Yes, and because i dared to consider more recent research in my decision to introduce solids before six months, that defines both my kids out, despite one BFing until 17 months and the other still going at 10 months.
I can honestly say this action played a huge role in my son and I'd bfing relationship!
Today, though, and in Western cultures, the act of BFing is laden with all these connotations that lots of people, understandably, find offensive.
I was a sales associate in a children's retail outlet for a while and we saw BFing mothers doing it right all the time.
I have shared this story several times before, but we had BFing problems in the hospital, and when we requested a discharge for 24 hrs post-birth, the nurse was reluctant to talk to the pediatrician about it.
Do I think BFing moms should have to wear a burka every time they go out in public?
This is due to the fact that in America, culturally BFing after 12 months is not as common and the alternatives are safe.
If only more people would do what they feel is right (like yourself) instead of giving in to outside pressure... maybe we would see more women bfing for longer!
breast feeding brought me closer to my body, I'm on the younger side and i still didn't feel comfortable in my own skin in the beginning of my bfing now 15 months later I'm almost completely comfortable
If they are so supportive of bfing then why send 2 separate packages of formula to a mom at the exact time that most moms in this part of Canada (the Maritime provinces) give up on breastfeeding — 3 months.
You don't have to give up on BFing entirely to make some changes in the experience.
BFing is not the best choice in my opinion.
The general attitude seems to be one of, «suck it up, princess», or a complete state of denial in which PPD isn't that bad, women who cease BFing because of it just aren't committed enough, or the insistence that BFing will be best for mother's depression if she just keeps trying!
Also interesting — we saw a couple videos on baby led bfing, and in EVERY ONE the baby went on his / her own to the left side first — it was amazing.
I don't have a problem BFing wherever, whenever, though my youngest is now 14 months and is just fine with waiting (and in public, he's often much too distracted to remember the breasts!).
A few weeks ago we had to rock her to sleep in a rocker as she just didn't want to BF to sleep... now (her top 2 teeth are coming in) she just wants to be on me and will fall asleep either BFing or in a carrier (or both at once)... but it doesn't take long to fall asleep so it works fine, I just take the dog for a walk or do some housework with her in a carrier when it's sleep time.
I am still bfing my daughter who turned 3 in July.
I no longer have dry, itchy nipples in the summer, and I have yet to have any bleeding or cracking from bfing (been doing it for nearly four months now).
When I am holding my baby to feed him, he's against my chest the same way as if he were BFing, but we can also look in each others eyes as he feeds.
I often feel a little «off» on with BFing advocate friends for not being extreme enough in my advocacy — I also believe true support is the most important thing we can give.
I am not bashing the BFing community for attempting to support mothers seeking help or support in their BF journey — I do love it.
When I was young and totally not yet thinking about babies or BFing, I worked in a hospital's diet office.
I think «patience» and «endurance» not only go for BFing, but for motherhood in general!
In my part of the US, women are incredibly supportive of other women BFing.
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