Sentences with phrase «bfing women»

Giving formula samples to BFing women there is a very subtle message that BF is likely to fail, so while every one encourges BF, they say if it doesn't work for you you will have this to fall back on.
For those people who pressure BFing women, I say counter their rudeness with your own.
Many of the items are not fully necessary for bfing women.

Not exact matches

The women I met a year later at the bfing support group became life - long friends.
Again, not for BFing in public, which LOTS of women do in our store, but for doing it * wrong.
That being said, it's not like this woman was handing out LLL pamphlets or info on BFing or even just plain BFing.
If only more people would do what they feel is right (like yourself) instead of giving in to outside pressure... maybe we would see more women bfing for longer!
The general attitude seems to be one of, «suck it up, princess», or a complete state of denial in which PPD isn't that bad, women who cease BFing because of it just aren't committed enough, or the insistence that BFing will be best for mother's depression if she just keeps trying!
But many women don't live in communities where BFing in public is supported or accepted.
Hopefully, it will help some women get over the hump that can stop BFing!
All the BFing fanatics need to get it through their heads that BFing issues DO occur, some women PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY can not do it, and when your support professionals agree, formula CAN BE the right choice.
In my part of the US, women are incredibly supportive of other women BFing.
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