Sentences with phrase «boring exercise sessions»

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Besides being terribly boring, your sessions of 20 + repetitions of one exercise using an unnoticeable amount of weight are literally useless.
The recommendation to do weight bearing exercise (including walking, or jogging, or aerobic sessions that include jumping, hopping, or dance moves) will help if you have been on the couch.
Being lower impact than running and a non-weight bearing exercise make rowing a good option for those looking for a hard - working cardio session that side - steps the levels of joint strain that other forms of high impact workouts can pose.
Try and aim for at least 3 x 40 minute sessions of good cardiovascular / weight bearing exercise a week, and make sure that you SWEAT!
The good news is that you no longer have to be bored with your hour long treadmill sessions or even spend a lot of money on expensive exercise equipment.
I recommend weekly sessions, but can set up home programs too with monthly «check in» appointments where we establish new exercises to keep everyone (you and your pet) from getting bored or overworking the same muscles for too long.
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