Sentences with phrase «back matter expands»

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Had the universe been slightly denser by one part in 1062, the expansion would have slowed and collapsed back on itself in a «big crunch» after 13.7 billion years (today's age of the universe according to the big bang theory).60 Had the universe been slightly less dense by one part in 1062, «the universe would have expanded «so quickly and become so sparse it would soon seem essentially empty, and gravity would not be strong enough by comparison to cause matter to collapse and form galaxies.61 The stretching explanation does not have this problem.
Here, they expand on their unique dynamic by telling a story that swerves from poignant confessions through filthy jokes and back again to complex matters of the heart.
A day stage can be completed in about three minutes or so, but the night stages can take around an average of eight minutes to complete (and that's for an S ranking; stumble or get lost a few times and that time can expand upwards of twelve to fifteen minutes), and making matters worse is that the night stages tend to come in groups of three, meaning that for about every half hour or more of night brawling, players are rewarded with a quick romp through the daylight before being sent back to the dark.
To go back to automatism — if you connect it to Pollock, as the gesture that expands, you bring another idea to automatism, which is the breaking down of matter into all the parts that make up whatever matter is.
Higher density sources of fuel such as coal and natural gas utilized in centrally - produced power stations actually improve the environmental footprint of the poorest nations while at the same time lifting people from the scourge of poverty... Developing countries in Asia already burn more than twice the coal that North America does, and that discrepancy will continue to expand... So, downward adjustments to North American coal use will have virtually no effect on global CO2 emissions (or the climate), no matter how sensitive one thinks the climate system might be to the extra CO2 we are putting back into the atmosphere.
He joins leading Hong Kong litigators Martin Rogers and James Wadham, who launched Davis Polk's enforcement capability in Asia in 2013 and have expanded the practice significantly on the back of continuing growth in Asia - centered enforcement and investigations matters.
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