Sentences with phrase «bank points tend»

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The Bank of Canada's core inflation index — which excludes certain items that tend to swing wildly — moved up a more modest 0.2 percentage points to 1.3.
While the interest rates it advertises online tend to be lower than most banks or direct lenders, a quick look at the underlying assumptions shows that these rates are the result of factoring in mortgage discount points, which must be paid for upfront as an extra item in your mortgage closing costs.
But he points out that «small differences in the skill level of senior bankers tend to translate into large differences in the bank's bottom line.»
The matter of larger banks is that they might tend to branch off of Ripple's network at certain point of time and launch their individual networks and technology.
A high open interest tends to correlate with a bearish COT structure — i.e. a high commercial bank net short — and a low relative o / i correlates with a cyclical low - point in gold.
Many consumers tend to underutilize their point and mile rewards, which is one reason for why banks can offer much bigger incentives.
While the interest rates it advertises online tend to be lower than most banks or direct lenders, a quick look at the underlying assumptions shows that these rates are the result of factoring in mortgage discount points, which must be paid for upfront as an extra item in your mortgage closing costs.
I've been pointing at how animal companionship in videogames tends to be informed by an utilitarian and reductionist logic: Pokemon are both weapons and collectibles, existing in a fictional world designed to naturalize this instrumental relationship, Neko Atsume is an addicting conditioning device dispensing immaterial cuteness for your time and money; virtual pets are nothing but a few lightly dressed variables banking on our tendency to attribute feelings and thought to artificial entities, the Tamagochi effect.
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