Sentences with phrase «beaked common»

Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) There are two species of Common Dolphin, the short - beaked common dolphin and the long - beaked common dolphin (both seen in here whale watching in Laguna Beach).
(Delphinus delphis) There are two species of Common Dolphin, the short - beaked common dolphin and the long - beaked common dolphin (both seen in here whale watching in Los Angeles).
A photo taken about 600 feet above the waters around Catalina Island by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows a dozen long - beaked common dolphins getting a free ride from a migrating gray whale.
Common dolphins found in New Zealand waters belong to the species now known as the short - beaked common dolphin.
California waters are also home to eleven species of dolphins, including the short - beaked common dolphin and the Pacific white - sided dolphin.
Here's a list of cetaceans we've seen so far this month: humpback whales, gray whales, minke whales, killer whales, harbor porpoise, Pacific white - sided dolphins, northern right whale dolphins, long - beaked common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and Risso's dolphins!

Not exact matches

Working backwards, Larson and his colleagues hypothesized that the last common ancestor of today's birds was a toothless seed eater with a beak.
«Its short and wide beak was not just considerably bigger, but also relatively higher than that of the common bullfinch or that from São Miguel, with a very robust configuration reminiscent to an extent of the beak of a small parrot,» asserts the researcher.
Common beak problems If your bird is normal and healthy, you shouldn't observe any major change in beak length over time.
Overgrown Beak: A very common problem, especially for the upper beak, overgrown beak can be a result of a few factors such as liver disease, nutritional problems, or simple abnormalitBeak: A very common problem, especially for the upper beak, overgrown beak can be a result of a few factors such as liver disease, nutritional problems, or simple abnormalitbeak, overgrown beak can be a result of a few factors such as liver disease, nutritional problems, or simple abnormalitbeak can be a result of a few factors such as liver disease, nutritional problems, or simple abnormalities.
In addition to a physical examination, the vet will likely conduct a fecal parasite check to make sure your bird has no intestinal parasites; an examination of urine and feces to be sure there are no indications of gastrointestinal or renal health problems; gram stains to detect any gram - negative bacteria and yeast, a common cause of bird illness that is treatable; a complete blood count to ensure healthy blood levels and verify the absence of blood parasites; Chlamydia testing to assess if your bird is a carrier of three common infectious diseases (psittacosis, ornithosis and parrot fever) which can spread to other birds and to people and is also treatable; and psittacine beak and feather disease, a virus that can affect birds at any stage of their lives, affects many organ systems, and usually reduces the bird's life span.
Bird beak problems are common.
They lack the common «beak» most dolphins exhibit and instead have a blunt - shaped head much like pilot whales or false killer whales.
Hawksbill, Eretmochelys imbricata The hooked, beak - like jaws give this turtle its common name.
Diversities and distributions of cetaceans are less known; southern right whales [16] and orcas are more common followed by other migratory baleen and toothed whales especially sperm and beaked whales prefer deep waters.
The species Delphinus capensis is also known as a common dolphin and is nearly identical except for a longer beak.
Gray whales, along with other species such as right whales and Baird's beaked whales, were common features off the north eastern coast of Hokkaido near Teshio, Ishikari Bay near Otaru, the Shakotan Peninsula, and islands in the La Pérouse Strait such as Rebun Island and Rishiri Island.
A few other cool highlights on today's trips, as we watched Common Murres surfacing after dives with Herring in their beaks.
They have a small and unnoticeable beak, unlike bottlenose or common dolphins.
The scientific name of the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina, is a nod to the very long, agile, and «snake - like» neck of the species — angered snapping turtles are able to maneuver their necks with surprising speed and dexterity in a bid to ward off attackers with a powerful snap of their beak - like jaws.
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